Sunday, February 2, 2020


Somebody will likely be upset, so I'll try to head this one off at the pass.  Let me tell you a story.  So, when I was in my late teens/early twenties, my dad and I used to have this argument.  He didn't think women should be in the military.  God forgive me for telling this story, and maybe he's changed his mind.  He does have two young granddaughters now, one of whom is an accomplished scholar.  So, I'll continue.  I told him that a woman could do anything a man could do.  He asked me if I was a soldier on the ground, would I be comfortable with a woman flying a supersonic jet above me.  I said that I would be totally fine with it if she was trained to do the job.  A woman could do anything a man could do.  He said that they can't.  They have monthly cycles and have to be accommodated and mood swings and have babies and can't work.  I argued no, that was not the case.  A woman could do it.  They should be treated the same as men.  Then the world changed.  Feminists don't want equality.  It's sexist to pay a man and a woman $20/hour because she might take mat leave and her annual reported income will be lower and there will be a pay gap.  Women have to be hired and then accommodated in an industrial setting; even when not pregnant they can't be asked to lift more than 50 lbs.  Women get 14 minutes to run the 11.26 min. timed 1.5 mile certification run for the military police.  Laws (like infanticide) are written to accommodate them.  Stats Can shows that punishments for crimes are disproportionately handed down, a hold over from pathological sociology' focus on males.  Nobody fights for equal sentences for equal crime.  Like Natives and Blacks, men are over represented in the prison system.  Statically, far more mothers than fathers are awarded full custody of children.  Feminists don't fight for equal deployment of women to combat zones.  There is very little help for post-youth homeless men.  Shelters are hard to find.  Rape culture ideology vilifies men and normal human behavior.  Feminists' pro-abortion ideology marginalizes men and strips them of any rights...even to an opinion.  Anything left of centre is a human right to feminists and you are a misogynist if you don't support it.  Special (beneficial/privilege) treatment is needed for feminists, not the same treatment for all.  Men who think women are weak and have to be accommodated are chauvinists.  Women are our equals.  Lets start treating them like it.

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