Sunday, February 9, 2020

Salt & Light

The Gospel reading at Church today was from the Sermon on the Mount.  As I reflected on the reading, I thought a lot about the law.  I've been telling many people recently that we are not bound by the law.  Want tattoos even though Leviticus says not to mark your body?  We are not bound by the law.  Want to marry somebody of the same sex?  Go ahead; we are not bound by the law.  Want to have women priests in the Church?  Absolutely, we are not bound by the law.  What if plucking out the eye to enter the Kingdom of Heaven is allowing ourselves to not follow the law, realizing that we can't live up to it anyway?  Christ is the atonement for our sins.  AND, he released us from the law, what a great gift!  I don't want to be the one who sets a stumbling block before my brother and causes him to turn away from Christ.  Better that he should enter the Kingdom of Heaven, I think.  I've long liked Romans 14 to support my view on the law, and have recently taken a real liking to Galatians 5.  But, as I reflected on today's Gospel reading today at Church, I judged myself; that's me in verse 19 of the Sermon on the Mount.  Maybe I will be least in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Maybe that's why St. Paul kept referring to himself as least of the Apostles (aside from the stoning of St. Stephen and the persecution of the Church).  He was the author of the idea (literally, although not primary source) that we didn't have to submit to the law for salvation. 

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