Saturday, February 1, 2020


Was recycling ALWAYS a lie? With Toronto and other communities being busted sending recycling to landfills, foreign plastic recycling contractors dumping bottles in rivers/oceans, recycling being rejected for being "dirty" when we were never told that was a problem before, certain recycling being "unrecyclable", and being told that certain items are cost prohibitive (weren't they always) to recycle, has it been 🐄 💩 all along?

Are they lying to us now about Global Warming? Is this...Déjà Moo?

When I was in high school, I loved ecology and was very environmentally conscious. In college, I even took an Environmental Awareness course as an elective (in Police Foundations). I also took music appreciation (don't judge me). At some point, I became convinced that environmentalism was a loosing battle. I became jaded. I used to dislike the tactics of the far left and eco-terrorism anyway; but, I was convinced that people would need to start dying before they would change. At one point, I used to proudly proclaim that although I was no tree hugger, that I believed that we should care for and protect the Earth. Although, in the same breath, I declared that no change would be big enough or fast enough to make a difference. Enter Global Warming.

At first I was receptive. But, the politics of it all made me hesitant to accept claims at face value. The evident attack on sovereignty as well as the power consolidation and tax grab alarmed me. It looked a lot like socialism. The Moral Panic and sheep like followers were repugnant to me. The cult like devotion of its followers and the personal and professional targeted destruction of any person who questioned it was much too far. I learned that the science was not settled at all. I watched the 2015 target date for completely melted ice caps come and go. I watched as evidence of data tampering surfaced, to facilitate the myth. I observed the conflict of interest as billions of (mostly government) dollars were awarded as research grants and such for perpetuating the myth. I watched in cynical amusement as they changed the name from Global Warming to Climate Change, coupled with a 13 year period of no observed actual warming. I watched as challengers surfaced questioning the projection models at great professional risk. I looked on in anger as Canada declared a national climate emergency and more so as the UN announced 12 years until the end of the world. Enter landfill controversy.

When I learned that municipalities had been lying to us about recycling, I felt used and cheated. The one thing maybe that I believed in, it was all a lie! It's all about control, consolidation of power, and money! All of it! I'm disgusted! I'm not just skeptical, I'm angry.

Sent from my iPhone

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