Sunday, March 29, 2020

On The Nature Of Sin, After Years Of Personal Reflection

It's not that I don't sin; I do.  Being a Christian doesn't make me better that anybody else, nor does it make me a hypocrite, except in the eyes of the ignorant who do not understand Christianity.  It does make me a better person though, but it doesn't make me good.  

I have my struggles, failing, falling into the same old sins.  Resisting sin is a never ending war, with battles you sometimes lose.  The thing that I've come to realize is that, we can't stop sin by ourselves.  We will fail every time.  The important thing to remember is that, we don't have to.  Jesus both freed us from the law and paid the price for our sin already, once and for all time, in totality. 

That doesn't mean that we have a free pass to do whatever we want.  We are free from sin, but we should live as if we are not, sort of; we should, once being saved, exhibit good works--the Fruit of The Spirit.  Not to save ourselves, we should do good works BECAUSE we are saved. As St. James points out, faith without works is dead.

P.S.  Maybe when other's see our good works being exhibited and see our struggle against what we proclaim to be sin, that is the origin of the misunderstanding that Christians are haute.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Everything That God Made is Good, Give Thanks

Tonight's assigned reading was amazing, 1 Timothy 4:1-end.  Amazing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Sex Link

I'm wondering if there's a link between being sexually active and the severity of COVID-19?

Another XXX Dream

Alius nocte somniare alterius sexus. Hoc tempus erat uxor mea. Tempore desidero.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Three weeks ago (four weeks ago?) nobody knew how bad it was.  I largely blame China for falsifying the numbers.

I saw a truly horrific video on the internet of hospital hallways packed with people standing, packed in like sardines in a can, women screaming and crying (mothers?), truly awful. 

I Ghost

When you hear the house creaking and you think of ghosts upstairs, we assume we are alive.  What if you're the ghost and you hear the people in your old house that you cannot see.  Why do we always assume the former?

I remember the old folks used to say that the cold would make the house crack, cold tremors.  I can remember as a young boy, waking to the window in my bedroom being covered with frost...on the inside.  People today have no idea what not wanting to get out of a warm bed really is.

No-Taxation-without-Representation.jpg (JPEG Image, 588 × 350 pixels) - Scaled (61%)

I wrote very reciently about totalitarianism. Patrick Henry would be rolling in his grave at the proposed bill to tax without limit and without the concent or authority of Parliament. 

Even the King of France had to call the Estates General.


It's so nice to sleep and to forget about COVID-19 for a few hours.  Self isolation should include from the news I think.

Monday, March 23, 2020

What Is Ethical?

I realized tonight, doctors are utilitarians.  They have to decide who lives, and who dies.  They are sometimes placed it the position where they have to decide to do the most good for the most people.  Kantion ethics has no place in a modern ER.  There is no absolute, no black and white.  That's one of the reasons I've never been able to sign an organ donation card.  I've heard that Italian doctors in Milan are having to decide who dies.  It's all like a bad dream.


I've finally decided that I want to either be a psychologist or a parole officer when I grow up.  I'd be a priest, but I've never been called.  I can't be a police officer; I think that ship has sailed. ...or a lawyer.  :)


I started Social Distancing on Saturday.  I'm off work for two weeks.  I have started filming Morning and Evening Prayer.  I am uploading them to YouTube on a two year delay.  I can tell you that they are truly awful.  :)  They will be a time capsule that we can explore when we come out the other side of this thing.


I just heard that s 12 year old girl is on a ventilated in Atlanta.  Life is so unfair.  God help us.


I've been saying CORVID.  Apparently it's COVID.  Der.

It would never happen in a modern 21st century democracy.

As I think of all the Canadian governments talking about enforcing a curfew or enacting martial law, I am reflecting on just how easy it is; our legal freedoms are so fickle.  Oh, they have a reason.  It's even a good one.  I didn't say they didn't have a reason.  It's just so easy.  Totalitarianism is so easy.


Last night I had a terrible dream that I shot and killed a coworker during a live fire training exercise (on a cruise ship?).  I somehow shot him through the eye with a scoped rifle.  Was it supposed to be a simulation with blanks or with laser sensors?  It's just speculation now.  The staff on the ship knew what had happened, but not that it was me.  I was ashamed and couldn't even look them in the eye.  I felt like a $h1tbag. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center | CIDRAP

A Dog's Life


I remember when I was a little boy and my bedtime was before the sun set in the summer evenings.  It was so hard (and unfair, I thought) to sleep before dark.  Well, now it's a treat.  :')  Goodnight!

When is it serious?

We've been sent home from work and the death toll has surpassed 10 000 people worldwide.

A Little Pissed

So, some dicks in my neighborhood called the police on a kid walking down the street with two toy guns today.  Fuck people!  Making you scared is not illegal.  Your cowardice does not give you the right to harass people.   We don't live in a dictatorship. 

Hording bread and produce is stupid because you can't eat it all and it will go bad.

I'm reminded of this week's reading from the book of Exodus, specifically the mana that would rot with worms and smell bad.

Psalm 103

Psalm 103 this morning talks about both resurrection early in the psalm and then about the fickle nature of our human live.

Desperate Times Part II

Our priest e-mailed this out to us all.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Ross Gill" <>
To: "Ross Gill" <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 4:58 PM
Subject: St Paul's keeping in touch

During this time of self-isolation and safe distancing, it is still vitally important that we keep in touch with one another.  The Church doesn't cease being the Church simply because we are unable to meet in our building on Sunday mornings or during the week.  Maybe we can't meet face to face in the way we would like but we still can communicate with each other by telephone, email and social media.  Perhaps the old fashioned card or letter through surface mail might even make something of a comeback.  It is always a pleasant experience to discover a letter in the mailbox or a message in our inbox.  They tell us that we aren't alone and haven't been forgotten.  If you or someone you know could use a call from us please don't hesitate to get in touch with us by email or by the church office telephone number.

There are a few other things we would like to say at this time.  First of all, we don't know how long it will be before we can resume worship inside our building.  Our present circumstances will continue at least until April 8.  To help us get to that point, we are hoping to have services of Morning Prayer available each Sunday on YouTube.  If we can get it to work to our satisfaction, on Saturday we will send out by email a link to the video and a copy of the liturgy so you can follow along.  The Lord willing, our first attempt will be available this Sunday.

Secondly, the Diocese of Huron has devoted part of their website for keeping the members of the Huron family informed.  You can find this information at

And thirdly, please pray.  Pray for yourselves and pray for us, pray for your fellow parishioners and pray for the sick and those attending to them.  If you need some help giving form to your prayers, we encourage you to use the Book of Common Prayer and the Book of Alternative Services.  They are two great resources with prayers for many different occasions. 

We conclude our note with a prayer Julia adapted from the New Zealand Prayer Book.  

"God of the present moment, God who in Jesus stills the storm and soothes the frantic heart; bring hope and courage to all who wait and work in uncertainty.  Bring hope that you will make them equal of whatever lies ahead.  Bring them courage to endure what cannot be avoided, for your will is health and wholeness; you are God and we need you." Amen.
Blessings to you and yours during this unsettling time.

The Rev Julia and the Rev Ross Gill


Desperate Times Call For...ChurchTube

The Church of a friend of mine, also closed, has filmed evening prayer.  He sent me this link:

Thursday, March 19, 2020


I was reading the prophet Daniel the other day, just because it seems more relevant now, and I noticed the part at the end about a resurrection, never noticed that before.

Ephesians Reading

Tonight, as I read through part of Ephesians, I was corrected and delighted.  I was corrected on the use of vulgar language, which I use daily, and delighted that I was being asked to praise God and sing psalms and hymns, which I do and enjoy.

Value The Human Life

I was thinking the other day:  If I die from CORVID-19, it seems like such a waste.  From the perspective of the individual, it does.  To come all this way, from proteins in a pond, to fish in the sea, to primates that walked upright, to me here today, only to be lost to a "bug" at the age of 45, it all seems so surreal to contemplate and such a waste.

What If

...Earth's new mini moon is just an alien observation post to watch humanity's fall from CORVID-19?

I Love This Ad

Some Good Information to Know

Not Just 91

It wasn't just Psalm 91 that gave me hope.  Last night's reading from Ephesians 4 spoke about being nice to one another, as we should be.  And, this is a time when being nice is needed.

The Common Cup

At this point, most Churches have suspended their services, not just the passing of the common cup.  There are two thoughts on this.  One side is happy that measures have been taken to promote public safety.  One side is angry about the lack of faith.  

I am reminded of the story of St. Benedict, who was given a cup of poison wine to drink.  The cup shattered and St. Benedict survived.  God protected him.  However, our Lord said not to put The LORD our God to the test either.  

Part of me feels like they are behaving like historical Central American Natives who were poisoning their water supply with human sacrifices.  Because people were getting sick and dying, they increased the sacrifices.   Don't misunderstand me; God can choose to save us.  But, we are also not to tempt God.  

We shouldn't assume that God will act when we drink the poison wine.  It's a hard one.  The one side is asking, "How can we close a Church in this time of need?"  I get that, but my own faith is far from strong enough to heal.  

Continuing to offer Mass or Communion in packed public places without being Moses or Peter may put people in harms way.  At that point, you may just be throwing more bodies in the well, so to speak.


The numbers coming out of Europe and out of Italy look a lot worse than what China was reporting.  By my calculations, CORVID-19 will end up claiming the lives of about 220 million people worldwide, which is much worse than The Spanish Flu was.  God help us. 

Hope and Strength

I read the 81st Psalm tonight.  It hit the nail on the head for sure.  It gave me hope.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

My Love of Baseball

The seed was planted in 1989, two games between the Expos and the Pirates in Montreal at the Big O.  I was treated to a game or two by my father.

I became a hockey nut in my late teens.  I viewed baseball as an American game.  It took hold in 1993 with the Canadiens Stanley Cup win.  Hockey was Canadian and something to be proud of.

In 2004, after I was already pissed off about the Forum being destroyed to make more money, the season was cut short due to a lock out over money.  I was so disenchanted that I have not watched an NHL game since.

In the absence of the Stanley Cup playoffs, I began watching Spring Training MLB games.  The Jays were the local team.  I became a Jays fan.  They sucked a lot for many years, but I hung in there.

The Red Sox became my Post Season team, and I was treated to several World Series winning seasons.  I really became a baseball fan.  I have four teams now, including the Dodgers and Cubbies.  

I love the numbers.  I love the metrics.  I love the duel between the pitcher and batter.  I love the psychology of the duel.  I love how the funner on first changes the game.  I love how the National League rules change the game.  I love inter-league games.  I love baseball.

Psalms 88:2-7 NRSV - let my prayer come before you; incline - Bible Gateway

I read (really I chanted) psalm 88 last night.  The beginning seems much more ominous now among CORVID19 fears.  I feal that I can empathize with the psalmist.  

ALMIGHTY GOD AND FATHER keep us safe in this time of trouble.  Protect us and our loved ones from the pandemic that threatens us.  I ask these things in the name of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.


Another night, another sex dream, maybe it has something to do with my birthday.  On the positive side, it reminded me of again.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

What If

...the Great Filter that explains the Fermi paradox is wet markets?

What If

...the rapture departees are taken by the CORVID19 virus?

Monday, March 16, 2020

Sim Earth

It’s like somebody is playing Sim City and they just released the spider.  Or, somebody is playing Sim Earth and put it on heavy Bowser attacks.


William Ramier
Aisin Canada Inc.
180 Write Blvd.


I've been assuming that the worst case senario would be anarchy.  I don't think CORVID19 will end humans; the math and numbers don't support that conclusion so far.  So, what is anarchy is not the bottom?   What if CORVID19 is used to institute totalitarianism, for our protection of course.  Let's give the emperor temporary emergency power.

Sex Spiders

Last night I drempt that these hand sized bright yellow spiders appeared because of Global Warming.  Yuck!  They were everywhere. 

Second dream, I was looking up porn on the interweb, and I couldn't find it fast enough.  I wanted to refine my search to lick (oh my!).

My apologies for my posts (dreams) being overly sexualized, it must mean something.  WWFD, what would Freud do?

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Today's reading is extra ominous in our current environment. But there is good news for believers.

Hebrews 12:25-27 GNT

Be careful, then, and do not refuse to hear him who speaks. Those who refused to hear the one who gave the divine message on earth did not escape. How much less shall we escape, then, if we turn away from the one who speaks from heaven! His voice shook the earth at that time, but now he has promised, "I will once more shake not only the earth but heaven as well." The words "once more" plainly show that the created things will be shaken and removed, so that the things… shared Hebrews 12:25-27 GNT with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

The Chinese (people) are not to blame.

"For judgment is neither from the east nor from the west, nor yet from the wilderness or the mountains."  Psalms 75:6

We Will Be Okay

"Though the earth and all its inhabitants are quaking, I will make its pillars fast."  Psalms 75:3

Ready Player 2?

A friend at work said that CORVID19 is nature saying, "Too many humans," and hitting the reset button.

The End Is Nigh

A friend and I were talking about CORVID19, and he made a good point.  Why are no high profile TV evangelists proclaiming that God is punishing us for being evil?  I said that, likely, it was spiritual.  Spiritual forces were behind the answer to that question.  That was last week.

This weekend, as I thought about it, I realized, but it is happening, it's just the new religion.  We are being punished by Gaia for global warming.  That's what the prophets are crying in the street.

Ashley Madison

Hall Pass, is it still adultery when there is an open relationship?  Bible characters often had multiple wives or concubines.  Jesus summarized The Law as love God and love your neighbour.  If adultery falls under offences against your neighbour, love your neighbour, and you can do no harm, is it still unlawful?  We are, after all, not bound by the law according to St. Paul.

Philosophy may be hard to focus on in this one, as it may hit close to home and because we usually have strong feelings about the topic.  Is it ethical?  That depends, maybe under Utilitarian Ethics.  It wouldn't be according to Kant. 

To further complicate the matter, what happens when one lies about sexual encounters when in an open relationship?  Is honesty required?

Also, what about off limits?  Is it then adultery when an open relatuonship partner sleeps with an individual deemed off limits?

Now for mental and emotional health, is being in an open relationship good for you? Polygamy on TV looks like it works out, if very one sideded. 

Do we get to redefine what is moral?  Do I have any more questions?

AM is advertising that you should have an affair because life is short.  And, moral vigilantes hacked their data and outed the clients.

Last night I had strange dreams, some disturbing.

The dreams went as so:  

I was with some humanoid aliens who were eating my Bassett Hound alive.  They had already carved off meat and much of her head.  I was horrified and destraught.  I stepped on what was left of her head and crushed it to put her down.  The young pre teen alien boy near me became angry.  I took him by the shoulders (gently), with much sadness still, and tried to explain that the dog was suffering and in much pain.  I didn't feel like he was understanding. 

The other dream was strange, but less disturbing.  Because the Churches in the Diocese of Huron have all been closed due to the CORVID19 pandemic, I went to another Church that I found open.  It was a United Church.  As I went inside, I found our Deacon already there, taking over the Church.  I went inside regardless.  I somehow ended up in a side chapel where I had sex (I alcually did, as opposed to just being aware that I had) with an attractive woman with long dark hair who was already pregnant (visibly).  I was completely naked, and was trying not to be seen by the Deacon and my step-father.   The woman wanted to (after the act) claim that her infant child was mine, and reap the benifits associated (not sure how I knew that). 

How sad is that?

Two buildings were torn down, St. John's United Church and The Dominion House.  Both have a construction fence around the demolition site.  People have hung hundreds of pictures of fond memories over the top rail of the fence of one of them.  It should be the Church.

Saturday, March 14, 2020


Man, I have to do a better job proof reading my posts.  They're terrible. 

I never thought society would collapse in my lifetime.

I never thought civilization would fall during my lifetime, and I still don't.  Maybe I'm in denial, but I believe that it will all blow over...just like SARS did in 2009.  This will--maybe--be as deadly as the Spanish Flu, or somewhere in that neighborhood.  The economic damage though, from hording and mass panic, will be severe.  As people make it worse, we are CAUSING the supplies shortages.   Industries shutting down to prevent the spread of the virus will send the economy reeling into a tailspin.  I'm betting on all this blowing over and preparing for it not to.

What ever happened to the good old days, the 1950s style governments where officials would lie to us to maintain public order and people didn't have all the facts?  "Remember, remain calm.  Government officials are doing everything possible for your safety.  There is no need for alarm, as officials work tirelessly to ensure your safety."

Lent Drill

I had two dreams last night, yes strange.  One was that I was having a terrible struggle keeping my Lent fast.  The second was that I had a portable fold up drill press that folded up into a small plastic case about ten inches across, like a pop up book.  It was so cool.  I gave it to the OMC guys.

P.S.  Speaking of Lent, the Bishop of Huron has cancelled Church until further notice.

It's a bad flu. It's hard on the elderly. It has about a 3.6% mortality rate.

Friday, March 13, 2020

We're manufacturing the problem

People are hording because people are hording.  Now we're hording because people are hording because people are hording.  And, last week I was telling everybody to relax and that it's just a flu.

Cruises are Cheap

Last night I had a dream that I was on a cruise ship, probably because of all the CORVID19 talk.  It was speeding through a busy harbour, narrowly missing other ships.  It docked and it was time to debark.  Cindy had already left without me, but our cabin was still full of stuff.  So, I emptied the cupboards into my small travel bag, all the toiletries, passport, cash, etc...  I proceeded to make my way toward the lobby to debark.   Then, I awoke before my alarm went off. 

This week, I received an e-mail from Carnival advertising %56/day cruised out of Miami to the Caribbean. 

This virus has people crapping themselves.  It isn't going to wipe us out, not at a 2% mortality rate.  The Spanish Flu was much worse.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

This is awful. God forgive me for writing and sharing it. I'm intending no disrespect, just sharing a little humour and a little scriptural reference.

5 Then the Lamb broke open the third seal; and I heard the third living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there was a black horse. Its rider held a pair of scales in his hand. 6 I heard what sounded like a voice coming from among the four living creatures, which said, "A roll of asswipe for a day's wages, and three quarts of hand sanitizer for a day's wages. But do not damage the pork & beans and the lentils!"

Psalm 71

Let me not be put to shame, oh LORD.

Last Night's Tame Dreams

Last night was tame by my standards.  I drempt about the moon; I think I was there in a colony, probably because I was reading an article about colonizing Titan just before bed.  

And, I drempt that Chandra bought another weiner dog that looked just like Page, full grown.  The third dream, I'm having great difficulty recalling.  

If you don't "write it down" soon after waking, they say you forget it.  It probably wasn't about sex; although, I've been told that once a male has become sexually active, they no longer will have "wet dreams", for the rest of their lives.  So, who knows?

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Toilitt Paper Shortage

Let them eat kleenex! 

What's up doc?

I really gave the surgeon hell.  :')  I said that she should know better and that she swore an oath to protect people, not put everybody on the road at risk!  I passed that OPC test.

Role playing

I don't know why, but last night I had a dream that I was taking an OPC test.  I had a scenario where I had a punk standing in a public fountain.  His friend was present, but not in the fountain.  I was unsure about something, so I went to find the officer in charge of the test to ask him a question, only to be told by an administrator that he was back at the fountain in an observation booth.  

I can't remember what my question was now.  But I do remember feeling like I was already failing the test.  In real life, my two dumb scenarios were an old lady complaining about kids throwing shoes into her tree, and a kid taking a candy bar at a grocery store while I was off duty.  

I say dumb because, they are not major crimes.  They are meant to make you feel uncomfortable and unsure, maybe a bit to see if you overreact.  They also want to see how you think on your feet.  Honestly, I found it easier to deal with the rape victim and with the surgeon who was drunk driving.  

I did good on the shoe tree, not so much on the candy bar.  I was very uncomfortable with the role playing and just answered questions in the third person, which is not what they wanted to see.  It was my first time.  I told them that I would tell the kid's mother that he took the candy bar.  They said she doesn't care.  I said I would then tell the store manager.  I can't arrest him as he is under 12 and can't be charged.  

Maybe the dream connection is that I am making my trainees role play in training at my factory.  I hate role playing.  I didn't write the material.  I feel sorry for them.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Third Horseman

...and a week's wages for a bag of toilet paper. 

Spanish Flu

The Spanish Flu of 1917 had a 3.4% to 20% mortality rate, unknown because of wartime propaganda.  Even at 3.4%, it is much higher that the estimated 2% of CORVID19.  Interesting to note though, Spanish Flu was H1N1, just like back when we were oinking in 2009.

I don't believe it yet.

I don't believe this is the end, or even that I will be hunting and scavenging for food.  At this point, it's hype.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Evangelizing Aliens

The sermon today at Church mentioned the Greek word used for world in John Ch. 3.  It uses the word for cosmos.  If God means cosmos, and not the world, and if aliens land, maybe we will be evangelizing to the aliens.  Then I started thinking that, maybe they are the next Alexander, the next Roman Empire. As hard as it is for Atheists to accept that God "founded a religion" (because He didn't) in an obscure corner of the Earth in the Middle East, it will be as hard for aliens to believe that God came as a mortal to an obscure planet in the corner of the universe.  I continued to think that, that will not stop God from using the aliens to spread Christianity to the cosmos as He used Alexander and Rome to spread the faith throughout the known world.  And that, we must Minister to--and evangelize to--the aliens when they come.  I don't think this is at all where the priest was going with his sermon today.  How pissed will they be when we start knocking on the doors of their flying saucers, "Have you heard the good news?"


Went to the early BCP service at Church, the Eucaristic Prayer in the BCP is a little unclear.  At what point during Communion (Prayer of Consecration?) are the words spoken that invite The Lord to be present in the sacrament?  It seems a little more clear in the BAS; is that a doctrinal difference? At what point do the elements become consecrated? 


I'm not sure if it just takes longer to recover now at almost 45, or I have a lung infection or pneumonia or something, or gas cramps, or a pulled core or chest muscle, but I have discomfort in my right chest.  And, I have since I did a 5k run last Thursday night.  In a spirit of caution,  I didn't do my planned run yesterday.  Do I need that much recovery time, or is something else going on?


I'm not sure why, but my last two posts sent out of order; so, I re-sent it.

Re: Clarification

On Sun, Mar 8, 2020 at 8:15 AM, William Ramier
<> wrote:
Don't get me wrong; I like sex.  Usually, it's prevented in dreams by my continence (or Lent apparently).  Why this dream?  Why now?  It's too graphic, really, to post here.  I feel like I need to post more wholesome religious content now.  But, I like to analyze dreams.  Some are simple.  Maybe this one is simple too.  ...and extremely graphic. 

Obscene Dream

Ich habe endlich meinen Sex-Traum bekommen. Der Traum der letzten Nacht war verrückt.

C'était un graphique XXX hardcoreporn. C'est un bon travail que je ne suis pas un adolescent. Il y aurait eu un gâchis.

Um homem queria que eu fizesse sexo com sua esposa. Nós fizemos. Havia assado no espeto. Houve DP.

Ut non sit de illo. Hoc est tam obscenum. EGO sentio amo ego autem purgatione indigebat. Non indigebat purgari.

But, what does it all mean (Freudian dream analysis).  I feel guilty for even having the dream.  But, why now?  I understand Carl Jung's trepidation at his turd Cathedral dream.


Don't get me wrong; I like sex.  Usually, it's prevented in dreams by my continence (or Lent apparently).  Why this dream?  Why now?  It's too graphic, really, to post here.  I feel like I need to post more wholesome religious content now.  But, I like to analyze dreams.  Some are simple.  Maybe this one is simple too.  ...and extremely graphic. 

Saturday, March 7, 2020


Within the last several weeks, I had a dream that I went back to my old job because the money is better.  I wasn't there long before they wanted to move me into the office as a Kaizen Specialist.  Funny...

Prior Dream

I had a prior dream where a beautiful woman wanted to have sex with me and I told her I couldn't because it was Lent.  I'm such a dumbass.

Long Strange Star Trekish Dream

I had a crazy dream last night.  I don't remember all of it.  What I do remember was that there were aliens who were kidnapping humans, and had been for millions of years, to place on a planet far away.  There, they would fight to the death as family units.  My step-father was there in the crowd outside the event area, which was outdoors on the top of a small plateau at the top of three marble staircases arranged in a circle.  My step-father warned me that spectating too closely meant volunteering for the main event.  There was a safe circle on the ground, and few individuals were beyond it.  Then, somehow, I was part of an escape action, as I watched (participated?) Lt. Uhura from Star Trek (a young attractive Uhura) lead a small resistance group (to escape?) through a complex.  I havent watched TOS in years.  Upon discovery, she prepped and started the transporters, walked away from the controls, strategically placed a flip communicator on a small table by the door (which never came into play), and exited the room.  At this point, or there abouts, I felt more of an observer than a participant.  I vaguely recall talking to my estranged brother about what Uhura was doing, as if watching it unfold on TV.  Uhura then exited the room, and proceeded to intercept the bad guy.  Stopping outside a locked door, she waited in ambush.  I watched as the enemy, a young adult female humanoid (the first glimpse of the enemy aliens--if this was even the same dream) breeched the door from the other side (logically I was spectating at this point) with a small explosive device.   Uhura was ready and waiting on the other side with a Type II phaser.  The alien woman, seeing the phaser, began to psychologically manipulate Uhura, using pity, and moving dangerously close, taking advantage of a clearly conflicted Uhura, who did not want to kill (no stun setting?).  Even so, I was clearly convinced that Uhura would kill to escape,  as that was paramount  (no pun intended, maybe a little) and believe it was the reason for her being destraught; she knew she was about to kill (for the first time?), and had no choice but to do what she didn't want to do.  Then, I was disappointed as my alarm woke me for work, and I never learned what happened.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Temple is Important

Again in Psalm 26 this morning.  There must be something to this.

Monday, March 2, 2020

God is so funny (not ha ha)!

A few posts ago, I mentioned the Worldwide Church of God.  So, I blogged about it, or at least mentioned it in a blog post.  Then, I went looking for it, or for videos.  I found some old tape converted to YouTube video, watched several videos, then posted/blogged about that.  Then, praying morning prayer yesterday--if I read the proper readings for Year II for the first Sunday after Lent--I am reading from Hebrews 4, and there it is; one of the videos of Mr. Armstrong preaching included a bit of him saying that Jesus became a man to be tempted to understand us and be a sin free sin offering for us.  Then, Hebrews 4:14-end yesterday confirms that message!

Great Filter

I forgot one of my favourites; we are the aliens.  We are different from any other type of life on Earth. 

The International Space Station was found to have spores living on the outside of the windows apparently.  This is incredible for two reasons:

●Life can exist in the vacuum of space
●They couldn't have risen from the Earth's surface 

The spores have to be of extraterrestrial origin.  We're looking all around for aliens.  Maybe we're it.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Look what I dug up!

I watched hours of this show as a young boy.  I wrote away (no internet yet) for the free literature.  I became engrossed with The Book of Revelation.  I became super focus on end time prophecy, The Book of Daniel, the 24th chapter of the Gospel of St. Matthew.  For very many years, it was easily my favourite book of the Bible (Revelation).  The imagery of the literature was captivating, and the content was eye opening, terrible, and full of promise at the same time.  It was the lense I may have viewed the world through for many years.  I know it had an impact on me, maybe bigger than I thought.  There was St. John's United Church Shigawake's Sunday School, and Herbert W. Armstrong in my boyhood theological formation.  By the time of my confirmation, I had very strong beliefs and understandings of The Bible and theology.  Of course, there were other influences, my devout grandfather, my father's extreme reverence for The Bible, my mom taking us to Sunday School regularly.  I used that confirmation Bible like there was no tomorrow, that Good News Version, still do.  It's my go to Bible and the one I use daily still, dog eared (Dad would have a fit), finger stained pages.  But you know what, I have never written in the margins (I can't) and I can't even place another object on top of the book.