Tuesday, March 15, 2016

What's Your Superpower?

Everybody's answer is so ordinary.  I want x-ray vision.   I want to be able to time travel.  I want to fly.  I want to be invisible.   That's all so common.  How about having the ability to make anybody be raped by an angry gorilla?   You'd be able to get everything you ever wanted.  Just think about it.  "Every time I pass William up for a promotion,  I get raped by an angry gorilla.   WTF!  It's gotta be some freak coincidence.   But, I'm not taking any chances.  There isn't even a zoo around here!"  Can't get that mortgage approved, soon enough they'll change their mind, even if it's just because every other loan officer that has ever talked to you is in the mental hospital and they just want you to go away.  Somebody picks a fight with you?  That'll end quickly.  Home invasion?  No worries.  They'll never do it again.  Superman gloating?  Just think how pi$$ed off he'll be after the gorilla has it's way.  "I don't even understand how that's possible!   I survived Doomsday and a fu€king gorilla bends me over!  How!"  Batman?  "Get in Robin.  Hey, you're not Robin.  Get out of my car!  Oh no!"   But, could the power be used for good?

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