Friday, March 11, 2016

There are weird dreams, and then there are weird dreams.

I had an exceptionally strange dream today.  It started out with me going to Church for Maundy Thursday's service.  I had to decide between going to the Anglican Church where Fr. Ted was with Cindy, or going to the United Church with my estranged brother.  Cindy wouldn't go with my brother, and I decided to go to the United Church.  I picked up my brother and drove through the park, tearing up the grass pretty good.  It looked like the park by Lake Victoria in Stratford.  When we got to the Church,  we walked in late.  The minister gestured for us to sit in the front pew.  Brazenly,  I did only to turn around and see my brother sitting several rows back.  I moved back with him.  The nave looked like St. John's in Shigawake.  It was decorated with a Christmas Tree with tons of gifts under it.  The children were putting on a Christmas pageant.

 (If you're squeamish or a family member, stop reading here.)  This Church was part of a complex that included a fertility clinic, including a sperm bank.  I was taken, by myself, on a private tour by the doctor in charge.  She took me into a room that looked very much like the refectory at St. Gregory's Abbey.  Where, she passed me a sample of the printed material available for the men who were donating, for use in the collection booth/room.  I refused to look at the pictures and put it on the high table, conscious at this point that I still had my blue shirt on (Church clothes).  Then, there was a seated woman crying, something to do with being pregnant.  The doctor, now seated across from her, said that she should be happy that she didn't have cervical cancer like she did.  It was then that I became aware that both young and attractive blond women were naked from the waist down.  The doctor was examining her vagina.   Then they were examining each other.  It was then that I indicated to the doctor that I had changed my mind about making a donation.  She got me a plastic jar.  She then found it necessary to assist her lab coat and high heels.  That's when I awoke unfortunately, probably the best dream ever.

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