Wednesday, March 23, 2016


I was on my way to deliver some smoked chops to a guy in Shakespeare for a fundraiser, and I was listening to the budget report on CBC radio.  I know; I know.  Why was I listening to the Communist Broadcasting System?  Well, the subject of the budget caught my attention as I was scanning the channels and it was like a train wreck.  You just can't look away.  They the conservative finance critic on there as a guest, and the host was anything but neutral.  But, as I scanned other channels, there was a lot of budget talk today, most of it bad.  Hey, you fu3kers voted for them.  Anyway, I get to the guys door and thank him.  He replies that we need to work to get them out of office.  I said, hey, it's budget day today.  The smile disappeared and his shoulders sank.  Oops.  He's right, we need to get them out.

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