Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Weird Dreams

Today, I was in a personal wellness clinic, like rehab.  When I was having my exit interview/debriefing, I got what I considered a very low score, 53ish out of eighty something.   My main concern was how I scored on the mental testing.  During this interview I realized that I had been hypnotized as part of the therapy; the doctor said something I thought I would never divulge.   I was then afraid that he knew everything about my childhood.  We talked about that, my grandfather, daughter, and lots of other topics.  It was all on the table.  There was one area of concern:  In my dream was a sign that could read your mind using hypnosis and display what was your primary concern.  It read "Success".  What is disconserting is that I could read it.  I thought you couldn't read in dreams?

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to add that I didn't have an overly negative childhood overall, and that I don't blame my parents or hold them responsible for anything that went wrong or anything bad that happened to me.


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