Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Parent Trap

I was talking with a coworker who knows her, and she said, "You must be so proud of her," referring to university.
I replied, "Yeah," much too reluctantly.   I gave it considerable thought after.  I reflected and agonized over my lack of enthusiasm.   And, I am proud.  It's just that the teenage years were so hard.  I was so close to the little girl.  We grew so far apart and became so different.  It was so hard.  And, all of that was so painful.  My yeah sounded like a but.  I am proud.   I've been proud before (cadets, choir, Sunday School, Europe, grades, random selfless acts, love for animals--to a point (vegetarianism aside), Central Singers, and especially university.  I pushed so hard and it is a great reward.   She has done so well and is such a smart girl.  And, as I've said so many times, it wouldn't hurt if I didn't love her so much.  The curse of parenthood.  Maybe one day the little girl will come back to me.

1 comment:

  1. There's so much more to say. But, it's deeply personal, and I've said too much already.


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