Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I talk about sin a lot, but not specific or personal.  So, what is sin to me?
  • When I do something that I want to do, knowing that I'm contributing to something that will negatively affect somebody else.  e.g.  Buying crack, for example, supports crack dealers (who could not sell crack for a living if nobody bought it) who sell crack to kids and destroy lives.  FYI, just an example (I do not use crack).
  • When I treat others in a way that I would not want to be treated (being rude, hateful, aggressive, arrogant, sly, etc...), which is close to
  • When I treat others in a way I would not treat Jesus.  This is SO hard not to do.
  • When I put something (anything) before God.  For instance, money (working Sunday morning rather than going to worship), politics (even though I firmly believe that small c ideas will save us all (temporal), politics have no place in worship or the Church), food can be an idol, even sleep (when I just want to close my eyes and skip Daily Office, sleeping in Sunday morning).  
  • Doing things I don't want to do (things done in the heat of the moment or acts of passion).  e.g. yelling at somebody, name calling, gossip, etc...
  • Gossip (needs it's own line item, hate it and catch myself doing it).
  •  Denying Christ (I struggle with this one:  do I risk my job by proselytizing or do I preach the Gospel; do I help somebody if defending Christ means they refuse my help; if I defend Christ in an argument, will that push people away from Him or to Him.  I owe it to Christ to always stand up for Him; if I go to a morning Ash Wednesday service, do I remove the Cross from my forehead after Church and deny Christ or do I leave it on and boast about how holy I am; do I defend Christ in the face of ridicule, or do I save face and not be belittled; do I defend Christ, or let people I love be subjected to ridicule and persecution; do I defend Christ at risk of subverting the Gospel, or take the Gospel forth?
  • Unknown sins, unknown offenses. 
  • Not doing what I aught to do.  e.g. defending the weak...every time, doing justice, tithing.
  • Not tithing.  Making excuses about why I can't.
Of all the sins I commit, the ones I hate the most are the ones I constantly fall into.

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