Monday, March 28, 2016


I think that it's important and relevant that the disciple who first found Him was a woman, although I find it personally harder and harder to validate that in the midst of the liberal feminist flood in the Church.  Anyway, that's not what I want to say here.  This is one of my favorite Easter pictures.  I imagine it happening just as it is portrayed in the Gospel of John the movie.  The love and emotion of Mary is heart wrenching.  It is pure.

Another Dream

I was in college in a student residence.  I was approached by a girl who was naked and wanted me to come back to her room.  I was also naked and was trying to make my way from the roof on the back of the building to the front door of the building through a large group of jeering students.  I decided to brave the personal insults to get there.  The dream took a bizarre twist, okay more bizarre, and then I woke up.

There's Great Entertainment in it.

When you're learning to do public speaking, one of the things you will often hear is, "Nobody here wants to see you fail."  But, what do you do when your coworkers and subordinates work toward your failure, take great pleasure in it?

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A Truth

First Draft
Multiculturalism doesn't work.  A mosaic society doesn't work.  A melting pot can, but only with full integration.  It will splinter like Yugoslavia or have special rights like Quebec.  Nationalism will rise, look at Italy.

Multiculturalism doesn't work--without force.  A mosaic society doesn't work.  A melting pot can, but only if there is full integration--like Louisiana.  It will splinter and fragment like Yugoslavia or Poland & Georgia, or will exist in a weak federation suck as Quebec does if it works at all.  Nationalism will rise and often violence will as well--such as post Napoleonic Italy or post Bismark Germany.

P.S. We're facilitating guerrilla warfare people.  Help them over there; solve the problem over there.

A Truth

Women say they like sensitive men.  If a man cries, a woman will not respect him, and he will not respect himself.

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Maundy Thursday 2016

We went to St. Catherines to visit Fr. Ted.  I was originally hoping to see him participating.  I made the trip to see it; it's quite special and meaningful and somber.  Unfortunately, he did not vest for the service.  But, we had a nice visit.  We ate and talked and laughed and stayed much longer than we had planned.  I think Chandra even enjoyed it.  I think Fr. Ted enjoyed it.  Cindy and I certainly did.  I thought that this must have been what it was like to fellowship with the original disciples, or what it was like for them to fellowship with Christ.  Fr. Ted certainly was a gift to St. Paul's parish. 

Don't Feed Them

Please don't feed the animals.  They will become dependent on hand outs and will not hunt for their food.

They Left Europe for the New World for a Better Life and Freedom From Persecution

As I sat in Features eating lunch with Cindy after Church today, Easter Sunday, I saw a truck drive by that had an intermodal shipping container with Arabic writing on it.  As I took notice of this, and the aggressive conversation of the youth at the table next to us, I wondered, "How long will it be safe in Western society to publicly proclaim to be Christian."  I wonder. 

Ironic that our ancestors left it once before....

Socialism Keeps People Down

Elbert Lee Guillory is a great narrator and orator.

Welfare is the Answer?

"We have so many people who can't see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the thin one. So they're going to solve all the problems of human misery through government and government planning. Well, now, if government planning and welfare had the answer -- and they've had almost 30 years of it -- shouldn't we expect government to read the score to us once in a while? Shouldn't they be telling us about the decline each year in the number of people needing help? The reduction in the need for public housing?  But the reverse is true. Each year the need grows greater; the program grows greater."
Ronald Reagan

Double Talk

If the natives are really a nation, why do we not declare war when they block the highways?  Why are they still receiving welfare from our government?  They are not a nation.  Why do we patronize?  It may not be PC, but we need to get them off the reserves.  The communist system is killing them.  We need integration, equality, and individual liberty.  Catering to special groups is divisive and only serves the puppet masters.

"Any man who carries a hyphen about with him carries a dagger that he is ready to plunge into the vitals of this Republic whenever he gets ready."  Woodrow Wilson.

Hell is Timeless

Freddy Price Jr. spoke of Jesus' decent to Hell this morning and mentioned something I've speculated about, that Hell is timeless.  There is no time in Hell.  Interesting...

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Mob

I was watching Gladiator recently, and one scene in particular made me think; the Roman officials were doing a pre-show launching of bread into the seats.  The mob loved it.  They cheered and smiled.  All I could think was, "Liberals!"  They had reduced the people to poverty and made them dependent on handouts, which they received with much joy and amicably toward their rulers.  Why can't people see the rot of liberalism?

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He Is Risen

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


 Homer may have said that the sword itself incites to deeds of violence, but I can tell you from experience that your mere presence can do that (from my days working security).  There are many things that can change the dynamics of a situation quickly.  I would also like to say that fear of inciting violence should not stop you from defending yourself and taking steps to do so.  It's better to have a sword and never need it than need one and not have it.  And, I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.  When St. Peter struck at the servant in the garden, Jesus didn't reply, "What the hell Peter!  Why do you have a sword?"  He told peter to put the sword away.  It was His time.

Palm Sunday readings usually provoke thought.  What I got this Sunday is that when Jesus is with the Disciples, with us, a sword is not needed.  When He is not with us, we need a sword.

He said to them,
“When I sent you forth without a money bag or a sack or sandals,
were you in need of anything?”
“No, nothing, “ they replied.
He said to them,
“But now one who has a money bag should take it,
and likewise a sack,
and one who does not have a sword
should sell his cloak and buy one.


I was on my way to deliver some smoked chops to a guy in Shakespeare for a fundraiser, and I was listening to the budget report on CBC radio.  I know; I know.  Why was I listening to the Communist Broadcasting System?  Well, the subject of the budget caught my attention as I was scanning the channels and it was like a train wreck.  You just can't look away.  They the conservative finance critic on there as a guest, and the host was anything but neutral.  But, as I scanned other channels, there was a lot of budget talk today, most of it bad.  Hey, you fu3kers voted for them.  Anyway, I get to the guys door and thank him.  He replies that we need to work to get them out of office.  I said, hey, it's budget day today.  The smile disappeared and his shoulders sank.  Oops.  He's right, we need to get them out.


Dr. Charles Stanley said that when we accept Christ by faith, we are sealed as God's by The Holy Spirit, and that nothing can cause us to loose that salvation.  This is an awesome message!  Salvation can not be lost.


On my way back from Bridgrport today, I decided to feed the homeless man I'd seen this morning near the highway off ramp.  I watched!  a lady hand him a bag of bagels out her car window.  I thought that it was better than money.  So,  I stopped at McDonald's for lunch and bought two extra hambergers.  I looked near the ramp and circled back.  He was gone.  Why?

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Monday, March 21, 2016

Do we bring our children up to be little communists?

We share all that we earn with them, because we have and they have not.  And, they mostly do not earn it.

Maybe the better question is this:  Is growing up being mature enough to stand on your own two feet, not be lazy,  and not envy and covet our neighbor's ass?

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Am I Coming Around?

I like Fr. Daniel.   He delivers his sermons without any politics from the pulpit.   It's amazing what a difference one person can make.

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Tree Hugger

They've cut down all the trees that lined Maple Ave.  I almost don't recognize the street.  It looks totally different.  I liked the urban forest.  Those trees were decades old.  It's sad.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


I'm ready to try something different; I've had enough.  I thought if I treated people right, they'd respond better.  I remember how it was.  I remember the talk about how people treated us.  I thought if I was that person that we all said we wanted that I could make a difference in my little area.  I'm sorry to say it didn't work.

I remember Canon Farr saying to a lady that didn't want to serve on a jury and be responsible for judging somebody's fate, "If you were charged with murder, wouldn't you want somebody like yourself to sit on that jury?"  A different way of looking at it.

And, I thought the same of my current situation.  I'd soften the blow, lead with compassion and respect.  But, it didn't make them work for me.  I'm the lightening rod for their discontent, and I understand that--although it is still hard.  But, they didn't do what we said we'd do if we had somebody who was different.  I'm disenchanted.  I used all the positive reinforcement I could, stayed away from punishment, and it did nothing to make things different.  The old ship captains of Nelson's time believed that if you were not hard, they men wouldn't respect you.  I always believed that you should not lead by fear, promote a blame free environment & learn from mistakes, promote team, reward and be positive, etc...  But, they consistently get the lowest performance scores, despite the findings of published reports advocating for positive workplaces; they show me nothing but contempt.  I do believe that I'm being polarized and changed, and it is challenging to be who I want to be.  As hard as I try, I can't offset the perceived corporate abuse--the overtime, the shift change, the unfairness of being mandated in other areas.  I'm ready for the next task, the next challenge--a challenge of a different kind, to pass the torch.

I opened my Christmas present from Cindy this morning, and the bourbon tastes so good today.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Pepper Spray

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Fw: Let's get started William

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From:"Patrick Brown" <>
Date:Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 11:27 am
Subject:Let's get started William



It's a very sad thing when somebody looses their employment.  A young man lost his job today, and I feel bad that I don't feel bad because I believe that he had it coming.  Have I lost my perspective?


I talk about sin a lot, but not specific or personal.  So, what is sin to me?
  • When I do something that I want to do, knowing that I'm contributing to something that will negatively affect somebody else.  e.g.  Buying crack, for example, supports crack dealers (who could not sell crack for a living if nobody bought it) who sell crack to kids and destroy lives.  FYI, just an example (I do not use crack).
  • When I treat others in a way that I would not want to be treated (being rude, hateful, aggressive, arrogant, sly, etc...), which is close to
  • When I treat others in a way I would not treat Jesus.  This is SO hard not to do.
  • When I put something (anything) before God.  For instance, money (working Sunday morning rather than going to worship), politics (even though I firmly believe that small c ideas will save us all (temporal), politics have no place in worship or the Church), food can be an idol, even sleep (when I just want to close my eyes and skip Daily Office, sleeping in Sunday morning).  
  • Doing things I don't want to do (things done in the heat of the moment or acts of passion).  e.g. yelling at somebody, name calling, gossip, etc...
  • Gossip (needs it's own line item, hate it and catch myself doing it).
  •  Denying Christ (I struggle with this one:  do I risk my job by proselytizing or do I preach the Gospel; do I help somebody if defending Christ means they refuse my help; if I defend Christ in an argument, will that push people away from Him or to Him.  I owe it to Christ to always stand up for Him; if I go to a morning Ash Wednesday service, do I remove the Cross from my forehead after Church and deny Christ or do I leave it on and boast about how holy I am; do I defend Christ in the face of ridicule, or do I save face and not be belittled; do I defend Christ, or let people I love be subjected to ridicule and persecution; do I defend Christ at risk of subverting the Gospel, or take the Gospel forth?
  • Unknown sins, unknown offenses. 
  • Not doing what I aught to do.  e.g. defending the weak...every time, doing justice, tithing.
  • Not tithing.  Making excuses about why I can't.
Of all the sins I commit, the ones I hate the most are the ones I constantly fall into.

Weird Dreams

Today, I was in a personal wellness clinic, like rehab.  When I was having my exit interview/debriefing, I got what I considered a very low score, 53ish out of eighty something.   My main concern was how I scored on the mental testing.  During this interview I realized that I had been hypnotized as part of the therapy; the doctor said something I thought I would never divulge.   I was then afraid that he knew everything about my childhood.  We talked about that, my grandfather, daughter, and lots of other topics.  It was all on the table.  There was one area of concern:  In my dream was a sign that could read your mind using hypnosis and display what was your primary concern.  It read "Success".  What is disconserting is that I could read it.  I thought you couldn't read in dreams?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

What's Your Superpower?

Everybody's answer is so ordinary.  I want x-ray vision.   I want to be able to time travel.  I want to fly.  I want to be invisible.   That's all so common.  How about having the ability to make anybody be raped by an angry gorilla?   You'd be able to get everything you ever wanted.  Just think about it.  "Every time I pass William up for a promotion,  I get raped by an angry gorilla.   WTF!  It's gotta be some freak coincidence.   But, I'm not taking any chances.  There isn't even a zoo around here!"  Can't get that mortgage approved, soon enough they'll change their mind, even if it's just because every other loan officer that has ever talked to you is in the mental hospital and they just want you to go away.  Somebody picks a fight with you?  That'll end quickly.  Home invasion?  No worries.  They'll never do it again.  Superman gloating?  Just think how pi$$ed off he'll be after the gorilla has it's way.  "I don't even understand how that's possible!   I survived Doomsday and a fu€king gorilla bends me over!  How!"  Batman?  "Get in Robin.  Hey, you're not Robin.  Get out of my car!  Oh no!"   But, could the power be used for good?

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2 More Weird Dreams

The one short dream unvolved the removal of a phallic worm.  Please tell me there is no such thing.  The second dream had me swim into an underwater Buddhist temple, first as a young boy when the water was low inside, later as an adult (the boy's father) when the water was higher, drowning in the process.  I think I got stuck in a round doorway.  I only identified it as a Buddhist temple by the robes of the monks inside.

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Monday, March 14, 2016


I never thought I'd say it, but I think the Americans have a better election system. There are more checks and balances. Midterms are a great idea.  It's like a report card.  It helps keep the government honest.  And it's better to elect judges like they do.  Please,  spare me the rhetoric about the electoral influence of partisan politics.  You don't think elected MPs appointing judges is polutical?  Both nations should elect judges all the way up to the supreme court.  If the legislative branch should be elected, so too should the judicial branch.

Unwritten Rule

What is the purpose of the Church?  That's what we need to ask.  As many inside of this dying institution struggle to make the Church relevant in the 21st century,  we've become fond of mission statements and newer buzz words for mission statements and for ministries (read outreach and extraparish interaction).  But, this is not what the Church is.  It's part of what it is.  The Church is a Christian community that broadcasts the Gospel and acts as both a centre for Christian spiritual learning and as a support network for it's members while being a place of worship, thereby self perpetuating.  Maybe that's all it's ever been.  But, I know two truths: one, this above unwritten rule of what we are as a Church is more of a constitution or supreme law with which all mission statements must comply, unfairly so when we don't acknowledge the rule; two, if we market the Church as just another charity while funds go toward the constitution, it will be a hard sell to those who want a higher percentage of their charitable dollar to go to the particular ministry or cause which they wish to support while other competing options have substantially less overhead.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Other Great Ideas

My Tide ad aside, here are some of my other ideas:
  • Stratford Pub Name:  Bottom's Up
  • Tatoo Parlor:  Pimp My Hide
  • Band Name:  Various Artists
  • Muscle Car Shop:  Perth County Customs
  • Pot Bar (when legal): Tokers'


516 Just As I Am, maybe God is trying to tell me something (I've been having trouble as of late).  But, as we sung this hymn this morning I thought of my cleaning commercial.  I always thought Lady Macbeth would be great in a Tide ad.  She'd say, "Out damn spot," and then use Tide to get it out.  The second verse of Just As I Am references being washed clean by The Blood of Christ.  I see my spots, and I can't get them out.  I need to use Jesus detergent.

Extravagant, Not Wasteful

The chief pastor at EIFM said that God gives extravagantly but not wastefully.  He used the example of Jesus feeding the multitude.   He asked His disciples to gather up the remains so that they would not be lost.   But, everybody had already had their fill.

If Your Faith is Great, Your Ministry Should Be Great Also

I was watching Ever Increasing Faith Ministries this morning, and this scripture caught my attention.  Most often, I think it is viewed as philanthropy.  However, it hit me as ministering to others.  If we do not give back abundantly of what God has given to us, or faith, then maybe our reward will not be abundant in The Kingdom of God. 

Good to See During Struggles

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I was watching Murdock Mysteries again.  This episode hit close to home.  The station CO decided to join the military to fight for Queen and Empire.  He did well in basic training, despite his age.  At the end of the episode,  after a visit from his wife and kids at the station house, he tells Detective Murdock that he has decided to stay a policeman and that the glory of fighting for empire is for a young man.  Just Friday morning I was told by St. Paul's caretaker that I wasn't young anymore.  I am days away from my 41st birthday, and I am in zero year.

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Another Weird Dream

In this dream, Cindy and I, along with Dad, Leslie, my stepfather,  and Mom were in Quebec on a trip.  We were on our way back when we all started to argue about directions, deviating from the pre-departure agreed upon route.  I hate that, FYI.  We split up as I went my way.  I felt bad as I worried if evegybody would be okay.  On the way to the train station, I ran into Leslie who was also taking the train back.  I tried to phone Cindy, but there was no SIM card in my cell phone.  I went into the station were I eventually reunited with everybody.  We were all taking the train back as it turned out.

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I hate sin.  After all He has done for me, how do I repay Him...

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What have I gotten myself into?

As of yesterday, I am now on the Perth-Wellington Conservative Association Board of Directors.  I'm not sure what I have gotten myself into.

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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Reflection on Sin

If this is all I get from my Lent, so be it:
  • Obsessing about something is bad.
  • If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
  • Repent, and turn from your sin.  Try.
  • Sin is much like alcoholism; it's much harder after the first drink and never goes away.  Ever.
  • Everyone who sins is a slave to sin.  Let Him free you.
  • We can not be righteous on our own, otherwise we wouldn't need Him.
  • All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
  • Celebrate the victories, no matter how small; I can't stress how important this is. 
  • Don't let him tell you that because you have failed it is over; don't let the Accuser of Job lie and win.
  • I (we) continue to do the evil that we do not want to do.
  • If anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father--Jesus Christ the righteous.
  • Sin is everywhere and confronts us constantly.
  • Prayer is a powerful tool for us and weapon against the enemy.
  • Luke 5:8 makes so much sense to me now, and it is hard to face Him again.  Don't let the evil one tell you that you can't.
If this is all that comes from my Lenten discipline, poor as it is, then let it be so.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Sex Dream

Hey, I'm human too.

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There are weird dreams, and then there are weird dreams.

I had an exceptionally strange dream today.  It started out with me going to Church for Maundy Thursday's service.  I had to decide between going to the Anglican Church where Fr. Ted was with Cindy, or going to the United Church with my estranged brother.  Cindy wouldn't go with my brother, and I decided to go to the United Church.  I picked up my brother and drove through the park, tearing up the grass pretty good.  It looked like the park by Lake Victoria in Stratford.  When we got to the Church,  we walked in late.  The minister gestured for us to sit in the front pew.  Brazenly,  I did only to turn around and see my brother sitting several rows back.  I moved back with him.  The nave looked like St. John's in Shigawake.  It was decorated with a Christmas Tree with tons of gifts under it.  The children were putting on a Christmas pageant.

 (If you're squeamish or a family member, stop reading here.)  This Church was part of a complex that included a fertility clinic, including a sperm bank.  I was taken, by myself, on a private tour by the doctor in charge.  She took me into a room that looked very much like the refectory at St. Gregory's Abbey.  Where, she passed me a sample of the printed material available for the men who were donating, for use in the collection booth/room.  I refused to look at the pictures and put it on the high table, conscious at this point that I still had my blue shirt on (Church clothes).  Then, there was a seated woman crying, something to do with being pregnant.  The doctor, now seated across from her, said that she should be happy that she didn't have cervical cancer like she did.  It was then that I became aware that both young and attractive blond women were naked from the waist down.  The doctor was examining her vagina.   Then they were examining each other.  It was then that I indicated to the doctor that I had changed my mind about making a donation.  She got me a plastic jar.  She then found it necessary to assist her lab coat and high heels.  That's when I awoke unfortunately, probably the best dream ever.

Stupid M0+h€rfu(k€r

Stupid people, pedestrians really, not weighing the consequences of their actions really raise my ire.  Another pedestrian was killed in T.O. last week BTW.  In the 1920s, people scurried out of the way of oncoming cars.  People were afraid of cars.   Now, they're brasen, daring you to hit them it seams.  It's one thing to do so when you know the driver has seen you, why would they do it when they know you can't see them (or don't know that you can see them)--as the @$$hole this morning did?  He walked out from between two parked vehicles, one a cube van that obstructed my view, not stopping or looking, even after he stepped out in front of me.

Pleasantness School

I wonder if there's such a thing as pleasantness school.  Some people really need to fu€k1n¿ go.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

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Putting signs up, Election 2015.
@wramier: #shamelessselfie
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Cindy, Chandra, and I in Salem.
@wramier: At @salemwitchmuse with @ChandraRamier and cindy.
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Parent Trap

I was talking with a coworker who knows her, and she said, "You must be so proud of her," referring to university.
I replied, "Yeah," much too reluctantly.   I gave it considerable thought after.  I reflected and agonized over my lack of enthusiasm.   And, I am proud.  It's just that the teenage years were so hard.  I was so close to the little girl.  We grew so far apart and became so different.  It was so hard.  And, all of that was so painful.  My yeah sounded like a but.  I am proud.   I've been proud before (cadets, choir, Sunday School, Europe, grades, random selfless acts, love for animals--to a point (vegetarianism aside), Central Singers, and especially university.  I pushed so hard and it is a great reward.   She has done so well and is such a smart girl.  And, as I've said so many times, it wouldn't hurt if I didn't love her so much.  The curse of parenthood.  Maybe one day the little girl will come back to me.


I love old Churches.   Love for Your temple burns in me like fire.  I spent over an hour walking around St. Paul's today.

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Fr. Ted once said that this generation seems to take pleasure in suffering.  I have observed also that it seems to find self worth in playing the victim.  You’re not special unless you’re different and broken.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I love this one.

So true...

Security vs. Freedom

I understand that a great many people believe that outlawing guns will make us all safer.  But, so would mandatory curfews and provincial boarder crossings and requiring citizens to obtain approved movement permits to travel domestically.  Lots of things would make us more safe.  I want freedom.

Yeah Yeah

I was thinking a few days ago about how the refugee crisis is a win/win scenario for liberals.  Immigrants and other newbies vote liberal en mass.  So, mass waves of immigrants are great for the liberals to stay in power.  And, if terrorist guerrillas make it in and there is an attack on home soil, there's then a rock solid excuse for liberals to move to a police state like atmosphere and take away freedoms and civil liberties.

Sunday, March 6, 2016


I had a dream last night that Chandra and I were in the boat, but it was much bigger.  We were sleeping in the cabin, but it was very cold.  It was tied up at the dock, and we were spending the night.

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Baseball is back.  Where will we go this summer?
@wramier: @NESN Cindy and @ChandraRamier at the game with me #NESNFANPHOTO
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Prodigal Son

Today, the Gospel reading was the story of The Prodigal Son. In the last few years,  theologians have been putting a great deal of emphasis on the older son.  I was thinking today that, sometimes Cindy is the older son when I go out of my way to help a stranger.   It bugs me.

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Today's Psalm reading in Church was sung, not read.   But, in it, there was a short piece of text about not being fitted with a bit.  I think we're all better off when we don't have to be fitted with a bit.

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

Friday, March 4, 2016

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@wramier: @nesn I'm a closet member of #redsoxnation
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Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Sometimes you have to ask the really important questions, like:  Why do dogs have tails, or black noses, or fur on their bums?