Monday, July 31, 2017

A law which shall not pass?

148:2 Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.148:5 Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.148:6 He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.148:7 Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps:  Psalms

Comfort for when you stumble.

37:24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.  Psalms

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sundays are the worst.

Asmodeus has departed and Acedia is knocking at the door.  I'm back in bed, just laying here.


Last night I had many dreams.  I had several about work, new product launches and other stuff; tomorrow is my first day back after plant shutdown; vacation is always too short.  They were like mini nightmares, brought on by the stress of work no doubt.  The other dreams, two or three, were a plot arch involving a girl I used to know.  It was a most pleasant dream that I wouldn't mind having again.  Vivid, words fail me.  These kind of dreams don't happen all that often anymore; I think I can remember the last two actually (sad I know).  It sucks to wake up sometimes.  Although, I could definitely do without the workmares.  Yeah, no more of those please.  I spend enough time there as it is.

Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me

I'm a little worried about this minor procedure I have to undergo on Aug. 3rd.  I am more worried about the anesthetic than anything.  Two things worry me:  There is a small risk from the anesthetic (which I think means that I may not wake up); There is also the incessant semi-incoherent directionless rambling which follows the immediate post operation recovery.  I'm worried about the things I might say that could hurt or offend loved ones.  Things that I might think, but keep to myself out of love:  e.g. my brother is a welfare bum.  Then, there's the procedure itself.

Aside from there being a small chance of bleeding and also for a perforated bowel, there is also the fact that it is an extremely invasive procedure, this coupled with unpleasant childhood experiences makes it difficult.  This deterred me from having it done a long time ago; but, as my doctor said, I am at high risk.  Normally, it isn't recommended until the age of 50.  But, by then, the horse could be out of the barn as the doctor says.

St. Marry Magdalene's Day

Yesterday was St. Marry Magdalene's Day.  I think she is my favourite woman in the Bible, and possibly my favourite disciple.  Even though I don't put much stock in the gnostic gospel of her name, the love and emotion, understanding and redemption that come through in her words and actions in other Gospels--such as John, enamor her to me.  As a side not, I found the assigned BCP collect strange yesterday as it used the word Spirit and not Ghost.  Watching Marry at Lazarus' tomb in the movie The Gospel of John is almost enough to bring me to tears.  She was the first to discover the empty tomb of any of the disciples.  Primitive society may have given her a lesser role by station, but she was one of Jesus' inner circle.  She was one of the first disciples. 

Maybe we don't have very long left to worry about anything, once the machines take over.

Snakes In A Plane

Snakes that are not poisonous sometimes look like snakes that are.  This is a defense mechanism.  Because, we learn to make cognitions of what is dangerous and then re-cognize that same pattern.  Thus, we will stay away from the snake if it looks dangerous.  This is a learned behavior.  I have posted on here before that, due to the endless violence, I have been questioning my values.  To be blunt, not all snakes fly planes into buildings; therefore, not all snakes are the same.


I think that racism is now like workplace harassment in that, it doesn't matter what your intent was if the other person feels offended by your actions or words.  It is harassment regardless of the intent.

Why do we make the same mistakes over and over again?

Friday, July 21, 2017

I am not a horse.

A little girl once told me that it wasn't fair that women weren't playing in the major leagues.  It's a cosmic unfairness.  Maybe soon, with genetic research and social changes, there won't be genders anyway.  It seems that nobody in the next generation wants to be female anyway (to me), well...except men.  Realizing that I am biased, (I'm an evil straight white man), I never viewed baseball as anything but what it is, or what I see it as--sport.  Athletes are like horses.  I can go to the track to watch a race and enjoy it.  I will never be an athlete any more than I will be a horse.  I can still enjoy the horse.

I was born this gay.

If gender is fluid, as they say that it is now, and the number of bisexual and homosexual persons has grown exponentially, is it possible that the evangelical right was correct in the beginning by saying that sexuality/sexual orientation was a choice and not genetic?

P.S.  Not that I'm overly egocentric, but maybe the genetic argument was introduced (at least to me) to being me to my current (and unchanged) position.  Judge not.

A Truth

Both of these following statements are equally true:  Most Cylons are good people; The Cylons, as a whole, are bad and violence follows them everywhere they go.

My Flag

Dream Fight

I had a dream that I was in an underground MMA tournament. The main baddie killed everybody he fought in the first round, everybody but me. I was squaring off when I noticed a man in the crowd signalling me.  I thought he was telling me to push the sticks. There were these pool noodle looking sticks in the center of the ring. I complied and it caused the antagonist to stumble and loose (on points?).  He was angry and I was the only fighter who faught him who survived in round one.  I knew I'd have to fight him again,  but I woke up. 

Has racism been redefined and am I racist?

Racism.  It's a thing.  But,  can we agree on what it is?  Racism used to be discrimination based on race.  I currently define it myself as treating somebody differently due to their race.  Is it racist every time a white person has a difference of opinion with a black person?  Is it racist if a Chinese man is offended by a Caucasian?  Is it racist if I don't agree with your political views?  Is it racist if I want to treat everybody the same regardless of skin colour, ethnicity, or race; is it racist if I disagree with affirmative action programs?  Is it racism if I fight socialism and the redistribution of wealth? Is it racist for me to tell a black man he is wrong?  Am I racist by being white.

 P.S.  I'm told I am often.  it used to offend me.  Now it angers me more.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

All Good Things

I naively always thought that my blog would be like a time capsule, preserved through time.  It will be destroyed, with or before the fall of the West.  I knew that nothing lasts forever, but I didn't think that I would live through the falling of the West.

I Don't Hate The Poor

You Can Never Go Home Again

I've been troubled by the reemergence of my estranged brother.  He reached out to our mother via a Facebook friend request on the heals of Mom announcing that each of us would be receiving cash from the sale of her home this summer.  Obviously I do not want her to be used and hurt.  I also miss our relationship.   I pray almost daily for him/it/us.  But, I cannot trust him and don't think I ever will be able to again.  Even if I ever mended the relationship,  things would never be the same as they were.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

I'd settle for them just leaving me alone.

56:9 When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.  Psalms

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Handycap Parking

Somebody recently posted on FB that those who complain that there is no straight pride day are the same people who complain about handicap parking being by the door.  I resent this statement.  Besides, there can't possibly be that many handicap people in town.  On a serious note though, the statement is a strawman argument and is dismissive and marginalises those who are struggling with this issue of conscience, even I think it is reactionary and combative myself (to want a straight pride day).

P.S.  We need love in this dialogue--on BOTH sides. Don't fool yourself into thinking that if you have the moral high ground that anything you do is done in love, until you love the people on the other side of the argument (rather than belittling them & spitting spite).


Yesterday was a bad day for the NDD.  And to a lesser extent, so is today as I wait to go to work.  I hate the feeling of purposelessness and wasted years.  God guide me.  Amen.

The Japanese do it. What's so wrong with protecting your culture?

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Have To Be There

I dislike when clergy say that people shouldn't go to Church because they feel obliged to do so.  I get that in the 50s people were in the pews that didn't want to be there.  I understand that people should want to be there.  But, I feel like it's where I should be.  That's a big part of why I want to be there.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Feminism did it!

Could feminism be the cause of so many of the wrongs in Western society? For those of you who haven't tuned out, I was pondering this the other day. Not feminism directly, but rather feminism style thinking, could it have turned all traditional values on their heads and perpetrators into victims in this new society where everybody is one?  Feminism, as a way of thinking, doesn't look just at the facts and what is fair but takes into consideration the social and personal forces that acted on the perpetrator.   More emphasis was placed on understanding why an act was committed--I believe at first in an effort to be proactive about prevention--which ended up generating sympathy for the perpetrator.  With the influences of this feminist style thinking, sympthy generated for the perpetrator moved us away more from punishment (justice) and more toward rehabilitation.   Mitigating circumstances allowed for less and less punishment.  We began to look less at the harm of the act and more at the removal of responsibility from the perpetrator.  Victim rights went by the wayside--with distain growing for retribution--as we moved from justice for the families to offenders rights.  I'm not blaming women here.  Men are equally guilty, as far back as courts have given lenient sentences to women for equal crimes comitted.  There is an obvious link between feminism and women.  Feminist style of though is not exclusive to women, however I think we can take the point for argument's sake to be true that women (as a group) have a higher than average representation of this thought style.

There's no question that women have had a profound influence on our society in the last century--a lot of times for the good.  The legal ramifications of woman being able to vote since at least 1919 are undeniable. Policy and policy decisions were influenced as legislators were influenced by the metamorphosized elecetorite. A case in point is Agnes Macphaile's prison reforms of the early 1900s.  They took into serious consideration the treatment of the inmates.  Tradional thinking was both to protect society from perpetrators reoffending as well as maintaining order through the discouragement of vigilante justice by adequate punishment for those who harmed others.  Feminist style thinking has permitted our culture.  In a world (society) where victimhood can be feined for advantage, there is no shortage of victims and advocacy groups, from child terriorists and black lives matter to child porn art owning pedophiles and anti wage gap advocates.

I'm not intentionally trying to be ambiguous.   My apologies if you are confused.   I'm not saying that the problems of society are the fault of women or that most women are feminists.   I'm submitting for consideration my supposition that the current mess of society regarding victimhood and the shirking of personal responsibility specifically--and maybe the defense of citizens and society, are due primarily to feminist style thinking.

Under Construction...


I'm not asking clergy to walk on egg shells. I'm asking them to minister to all. Don't eat meat around those who can't or won't.

Old Laby

So, many years ago when we lived in Barrie--I think--I exited the mall to find a car touching mine. I decided to wait for the driver. I was disapointed/sad to see a little old lady come to claim the car. I explained that she had hit my car. But, feeling bad, said that there probably wasn't any damage and that I would back up my car to take a look. I backed up, got out, and joined the lady at the front of the car. Then she exclaimed that they weren't even touching. I wanted to slug her.

P.S. I should have taken a picture. Document everything kids!

Little Rex

I had this strange dream a few days ago.  I was in a van with Chandra and Dad was driving.  We were going up a hill and then in became very steep and then snow covered.  We began to slide and the right front tire fell over the side of the road.  We rolled off the road and over a cliff.  Chandra and I fell out of the van.  I cradled her to prevent her from any harm.  We landed okay in a shallow river somehow.  I put her up on a slab of stone near the river bank.  I thought to myself that if I died in the river/wild, she would probably be okay as she was a baby T-rex, about 45 pounds (with an oversize head).  Then, just down stream, I noticed some guys that wanted to help.  They were moving stones to try to lower the water level (natural dam?) to tow us I think.  Strange...


Some @$$h01e hit my car and walked away, probably a door ding in a parking lot.  The first new car I've ever owned now has a dent in the passenger side rear door.  I'm p1$$d.


I still think that the worst thing to happen to the West in my lifetime was the fall of the Soviet Union.  We knew the bad guy, but we didn't fight.  Our side prospered, and we were made to prosper to prevent the spread of socialism.  Terrorism wasn't tolerated, partly in fear if what it might provoke.  Each side kept their rogue states and baddies under control.  Mutually Assured Destruction worked pretty good.

Oh no!

This is like that time in college when I took that survey and found out that I was an alcoholic.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Black Wives Madder

Sometimes people see things where they don't exist, like an attractive young black woman thinking the store staff are racist when being followed around the store by a horny old white sales clerk. True story.

Monday, July 3, 2017

I Love Sowell

Have I ever told you I'm a fan of Sowell? Happy Birthday!

I am not a criminal!

Enough with the lies about guns!

I've probably posted this before; but, with all the anti gun sentiment in the media of late, here it is again:

Fw: 11 Million

On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 10:21 am, William Ramier
<> wrote:
This might be perceived as the most racist thing I've ever written; our people are dying off.  Because the average couple only have 1.4 children, our population is shrinking.  And, because there's a moral panic--of sorts--people have convinced themselves that the only way society will succeed is through mass immigration.  People don't assimilate. They don't become Canadian.  We did just fine with a prewar population of 11 million.  Rather than restructuring and becoming lean and efficient,  we need to maintain 30+ million.  Thanks to a massive federal debt, the GDP of a shrinking population just wouldn't cut it.  Because of idiots like Turdo publicly announcing from the rooftops that we are the first post national state (no culture of our own)--and running up massive debt--Canadians won't be playing street hockey in 50 years; we won't be exporting hockey to the world.  We'll be known for cricket.  You may find this an extremely racist view.  You may see me as xenophobic.  It is truth.  What makes me evil--in the view of some--is simply the desire to protect my own culture/heritage and people.  They don't exist anywhere but here, and they're dying out.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

More Misinformation on Guns

Home is where the domus is.

Have I ever told you that one of my silly dreams Is to live in Roman Domus? It is!


Thou Shalt Leave Them The Fv3|< Alone

Why do we always have to be forcing other people to do things they don't want to do?

My Turn

I had a messed up dream last night.  I was at an evangelical Church where the Devil was at the door like a doorman.  I gave him a nod (tip of the hat) as I entered and received some flack from the Church goers.  They asked me if I thought he was God.  I said something like no, but he was a heavenly being and deserved respect.  The subject quickly changed as I asked them to explain the mystery of the Trinity to me.  I was ushered into a room rather than taken to where I was originally supposed to go, a room full of youth.  The youth leader was speaking when two lesbians stood up and began kissing in the group.  The youth leader became very angry and the two youth were kicked out of the Church.  The crowd and the youth leader were speechless, as was the Church Pastor.  I asked the Pastor if it would be alright if I spoke and addressed the group.  I took a Bible up with me, opened to Romans 14.  I told them that what I was about to say may not be right (I said this mostly to appease the Pastor), but it was how I had come to understand things.  I said that what the two girls had done was wrong.  But, it not for the reason they were probably thinking.  I said that there was nothing inherently wrong in the act itself, but that they had intended to be disruptive and hurtful with their action; and, for that reason it was wrong.  I told them that the two girls believed it was good to eat meat and that they shouldn't tell them differently and argue with them, that they shouldn't have kicked them out.  They should have kept them in the Church.  I went outside and found them.  I explained that what they had done was wrong, because they had caused dissension and quarreling.  I explained that the people in the Church thought it was wrong to eat meat, and that the two girls should not eat meat in front of them.  When I awoke, I made mental notes to remember the important parts of the dream.  I vaguely remember going back inside and wanting everybody to sing a happy uniting hymn, but I'm not sure if that was actually part of the dream or something I thought upon waking up.

P.S.  In retrospect, I realize that the struggle will not be Christians vs. The Gay Community in the far future as a direct result of The Great Replacement; Christians will not factor into the equation. 

P.P.S.  Don't get distracted with eating or not eating meat; as St. Paul said, we should remain focused on the prize.

Bad Run

I didn't finish my run yesterday and I was disappointed with myself.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Cindy's Dream

Normally strange dreams are my domain.   Cindy had a dream about my step-father going outside and the front picture window being broken.  Mom's birthday just passed and they also just announced they are not moving down home.  They've been on our minds; or, could it be an omen?

I'm angry!

I hate aging.  It actually angers me.  Fv3k it!  I'm going to fight it all the way.


So I was pondering, I wonder if the people of early 20th century Chicago hated the Italian immigrants for the mob violence?

Asian Motorists, a stereotype?

The following might seem a little racist:  Hundreds of years ago, the Samurai Warrior was supposed to dispatch an opponent in something like three moves.  Anything more was inefficient and wasteful.  This is just an observation:  Watching them park at work, I think, "What the [fv3k] happened?"