Monday, February 6, 2017

Super Bowl Ad

So, apparently there was a Super Bowl ad about equal pay for equal work.  I think I've blogged a few times about that; I'm sure you know how I feel.  So, it should come as no surprise that I was pissed off.  I would ask why they propagate this misinformation, but I already know the answer to that question too, votes.  It generates votes.  Creating a false social dilemma and providing a solution creates supporters.

As an aside, there was a time when men (who voted) controlled society and thought that women (who didn't vote) couldn't work because they were women, the weaker sex, child bearers.  They couldn't work because of their biology and specifically child rearing obligations/child berthing.  Along came the women's suffrage movement and the idea that a woman could do anything a man could do.  Then came the fight to get women equal wages.  All that was settled before I started college.  And, I'm fine with all of that.  Now, liberals are pushing this equal pay crap based on annual income by sex.  It doesn't take into account than more men are engineers and more women are nurses.  It doesn't take into account that men choose to work longer hours.  It doesn't consider that the hourly wages are the same.  And, it doesn't take into account maternity leave.  So, were the men of the 1800s right about women?  Can they do the same work as and do it as well?  Because, it looks like they're asking for more money to do the same work as a man based on their biology making it too difficult for them.

Anyway, I believe that this is a manufactured crisis by liberals and feminists to garner votes, money, and power.

P.S.  I believe that women (and all people) should be treated equal under the law.  I believe that a woman should make the same hourly wage as a man of the same occupation, education, time in position, and skill level.  I believe that women can do the job just as good, and that this is all a load of bullcrap.

Super Bowl Ad

Another Perspective

P.P.S.  It's more social engineering and socialism, giving money to people who didn't work for it and taking it from the producers.

P.P.P.S.  On socialism, conservatives believe that everybody should be equal at the starting line while liberals believe that everybody should be equal at the finish matter how little effort they put into it. 

P.P.P.P.S.  Equal doesn't mean equal plus or equal with extra or equal with special treatment.  All animals are equal.  Some animals are more equal than others.

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