Sunday, February 12, 2017

Not PC

I'm going to go on a non-PC rant using stereotypes.   I like Asian people.  They are hard working, smart, and hang onto their culture.  I like East Indians, especially the Christian ones, and feel a sort of commonwealth fraternity with them.  I like Jews.  Somewhere inside of me, I feel that they are special to God.  I like Italians.   They value family and promote and preserve their culture.  I like Coptics and feel for their plight.  I like Hindus.  I don't know why.  I like Buddhists.   They have an admirable respect for life and a devout and peaceful faith.  I like Sikhs.  Every one I've met seems tolerant and respectful.   I admire their devotion to their faith.  I like the Germans and Japanese for their industrious nature.  I like the Chinese for their old culture (not nationalism).  I like African American Christian Evangelicals/Baptists.   I like Catholics.  I admire their faith and traditions and fruit of the Spirit. 

P.S.  Who don't I like?  Well, I don't like communists.   I don't like entitled socialists.  I don't like violent liberals.  I don't like totalitarians.  I don't like Quebec separatists.  I don't like terrorists (FLQ, IRA, ISIS, Al-Qaida etc...).  I don't like judgmental evangelists.  I don't like Muslim extremists.   I don't like anarchists.   I don't like militant atheists. 

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