Tuesday, February 7, 2017


There are those who say that Brexit was all about push back from mass waves of Islamic immigration.   They are not integrating and oppose Western values.  One hears stories--not covered by the liberal mainstream media because it doesn't fit with their position--of sharia police in Germany, of vigilante groups fighting Islamic rioting in the streets of France, of no go zones for Christians in areas of London, of the massive numbers of rapes of Swedish girls by young Muslim men.  (If these stories are true, we shouldn't be covering them up because they don't fit with the liberal narrative).  Some believe that the mass immigration is a planned infiltration to bring down the West, either through sleepers or home radicalization of peaceful or second generation Muslims.  (Maybe the mosques should be actively working against this phenomenon.  I know Churches certainly work for the protection of Muslims).  It's a taboo subject that'll have you labeled a racist faster than you can say security if you even bring it up.

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