Sunday, February 26, 2017

Good vs Evil

I had a thought days ago that I wanted to blog about.  Not having written it down, I've lost the essence of what it was.  The basic idea was to do with the struggle between good and evil, and how from an atheistic perspective it is juvenile or Disneyish that good always wins out, and a rebuttal.  In an nut shell, Atheists reason that it is unlikely that in a struggle between God and Satan, good will always prevail.  Why is Satan not in control?  How did it just happen that the good being created everything or that the good being is in control or is more powerful?  Why isn't God evil?  Isn't it convenient that we can be protected from evil by a more powerful good by worshiping the good being and doing what He wants?  Yet, these same people will then say that they can't believe either in a kind and merciful God judging people to Hell.   Do you see the irony here?  They're saying, judging God my their standards, that God is evil and so therefore won't believe in Him.  Yet, they find it foolish that an all powerful and good being could be in charge.  I'm not articulating this thought very well and finding it hard to put to words.  I could try to restate it here, but I don't think that would help either.  It just seems very paradoxical to me to God is evil and therefore I won't believe and at the same time state that I won't believe because God is good and will always prevail and that that is a unlikely and unbelievable scenario.  Do you get where I've sailed my boat, because I don't know if I do.  Can you explain it any better?

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