Wednesday, February 8, 2017


I really like the line in the intercessory prayer on page 57 of the ACC's BCP that says "those whom we have forgotten".   I remember reading an article about a priest in Vancouver who walked the streets and slums of Vancouver, clerical collar on.  He would sometimes be asked to pray for an individuals.  He would make a note, put them on his prayer list, and pray for them every day for one week.  I like that model.  I try to pray for those whom I know of in need of prayer, although I'm not asked often to pray.  It's comforting to me that that line is in the prayer on page 57 because, I know God know they are in need and sometimes I forget.  I know the power of prayer and I want to remember, so it comforts me when I miss somebody.  As Canon Michael Farr reminded us, "God knows who you are".

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