Sunday, February 26, 2017

I have a hard enough time just praying the daily office!

119:164 Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments.

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Good vs Evil

I had a thought days ago that I wanted to blog about.  Not having written it down, I've lost the essence of what it was.  The basic idea was to do with the struggle between good and evil, and how from an atheistic perspective it is juvenile or Disneyish that good always wins out, and a rebuttal.  In an nut shell, Atheists reason that it is unlikely that in a struggle between God and Satan, good will always prevail.  Why is Satan not in control?  How did it just happen that the good being created everything or that the good being is in control or is more powerful?  Why isn't God evil?  Isn't it convenient that we can be protected from evil by a more powerful good by worshiping the good being and doing what He wants?  Yet, these same people will then say that they can't believe either in a kind and merciful God judging people to Hell.   Do you see the irony here?  They're saying, judging God my their standards, that God is evil and so therefore won't believe in Him.  Yet, they find it foolish that an all powerful and good being could be in charge.  I'm not articulating this thought very well and finding it hard to put to words.  I could try to restate it here, but I don't think that would help either.  It just seems very paradoxical to me to God is evil and therefore I won't believe and at the same time state that I won't believe because God is good and will always prevail and that that is a unlikely and unbelievable scenario.  Do you get where I've sailed my boat, because I don't know if I do.  Can you explain it any better?


Saturday I was pretty down in the dumps.  I planned to blog about it.  Had I done so then, this would have been a very dark(er) post.  It wasn't just post cruise blues.  And, don't get me wrong; I am very grateful for being so blessed as to be able to go on a cruise.  However, I also had lots of time to reflect on life and family.  My wasted youth is a great regret.  I did very little constructive or fruitful, and lament the fact that I did not serve, always a nagging voice in the back of my head.  Finding out that my daughter is again talking to her looser high school drug dealing pedophile boyfriend, a sure way to depress me and send me into a tail spin, which it did, may have started it all off.  The cruise seemed short and I couldn't get work out of my head.  The return to my McJob loomed over my head like a a dark cloud...of heavy lead, how I yearn to be able to make a difference.  Or, for my job to not define who I am, failing that, I'd settle for being able to contribute or help others.  Add to that the stress of production demands coupled with resolving conflict and administrative tasks and I'm in for another hard slog in 2017 with little up side.  The goal of making a difference for my subordinates is a distant dream that I don't feel I can accomplish (nor will I be rewarded for); maybe I've lost my perspective too, but it doesn't motivate me as it first did and doesn't give me the raison d'etre that I need, even if it was a shadow of making a difference in the beginning.  I need a change if not something fulfilling.  Also, I need to be more apart from the world.  I am becoming more and more dragged into the worries and cares of the world.  I'm becoming more polarized, more political, more cynical, more sarcastic; the well is being poisoned.


Today I read part of 1 Corinthians Ch 10, in error I believe (because I was on the wrong week in the calendar and probably have been for weeks).  Anyway, it may have been no accident that it spoke of not being tested beyond what we are able to resist, that God would provide a way out, and specifically about sexual immorality (as I've been reflecting on lust lately and on the specifics of what is immoral).  Maybe this is a gentle warning (for me) to not convince myself otherwise. 

P.S.  The calendar can be confusing in the weeks leading up to a movable feast.

True Christians vs. Ritual, Church, and Rote

When an evangelical looks at me and nods after reading that they would hold to the outward practices of religion but not give God the true worship that He wants, I am very sad inside.

Today's reminder for me on my cruise?

106:14 But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.106:15 And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.106:14 But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.106:15 And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul. Psalms

P.S.  This was penned in the waters off the Bahamas on Tuesday, February 21st as I reflected on the blessings I have been given and on the extravagances of the cruise ship.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Do we also not want what He wants, for our children to take up our heritage and honor Him?

78:5 For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children:78:6 That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children:78:7 That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments:

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Did Jesus not do this?

78:2 I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:

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I think Chong is a pink tory.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Who is the adultress?

2:16 To deliver thee from the strange woman, even from the stranger which flattereth with her words;

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God speaks and we do not hear.

1:22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.1:24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;1:25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:

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1:17 Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.

Does thos say that the wise cannot be trapped,  or God will protect those who fear Him?

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73:2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.

How many times have I skippec?  How many times has He saved me?

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Psalm 69

So much messianic stuff here.   But,  I've said it before.  But, wow!

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Monday, February 13, 2017

Tobit 4:5-19 NABRE from Bible Gateway

Tobit 4:5-19 NABRE

"Through all your days, son, keep the Lord in mind, and do not seek to sin or to transgress the commandments. Perform righteous deeds all the days of your life, and do not tread the paths of wickedness. For those who act with fidelity, all who practice righteousness, will prosper in their affairs. "Give alms from your possessions. Do not turn your face away from any of the poor, so that God's face will not be turned away from you. Give in proportion to what you own. If… shared Tobit 4:5-19 NABRE with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Not PC

I'm going to go on a non-PC rant using stereotypes.   I like Asian people.  They are hard working, smart, and hang onto their culture.  I like East Indians, especially the Christian ones, and feel a sort of commonwealth fraternity with them.  I like Jews.  Somewhere inside of me, I feel that they are special to God.  I like Italians.   They value family and promote and preserve their culture.  I like Coptics and feel for their plight.  I like Hindus.  I don't know why.  I like Buddhists.   They have an admirable respect for life and a devout and peaceful faith.  I like Sikhs.  Every one I've met seems tolerant and respectful.   I admire their devotion to their faith.  I like the Germans and Japanese for their industrious nature.  I like the Chinese for their old culture (not nationalism).  I like African American Christian Evangelicals/Baptists.   I like Catholics.  I admire their faith and traditions and fruit of the Spirit. 

P.S.  Who don't I like?  Well, I don't like communists.   I don't like entitled socialists.  I don't like violent liberals.  I don't like totalitarians.  I don't like Quebec separatists.  I don't like terrorists (FLQ, IRA, ISIS, Al-Qaida etc...).  I don't like judgmental evangelists.  I don't like Muslim extremists.   I don't like anarchists.   I don't like militant atheists. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Bill 101

Quebec isn't the only place that's about to have an unconstitutional language law.

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Could Muhammad be the false prophet that the book of Revelation speaks about?  Could Islam be the new religion?   Could it be the great deception of Satan?   Will these questions be illegal to ask in a year's time?

Interior Castle

Was St. Teresa talking about entering the mansions only in/during prayer, or in life?


Did Trump cause the anti-Muslim backlash?  Or, was he elected by it?

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Why are we tossing out our values?

Why are we allowing ilamophilia to trump gender equality and gay rights?

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Free speech, I knew thee well.

It will soon be illegal in Canada to criticize the prophet Muhammad.  Saying that he was a pedophile will land you in prison.

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If the LPC has always been the party of freedom, as PM JT says, why are they attacking the right to own guns and legislating away free speech?

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Thursday, February 9, 2017

ET Phone Home

What if we're it?  Space is infinite;  but, if we use the big bang model, the universe is not.  With the odds of life beginning spontaneously being so astronomical,  what if the reason ET hasn't dropped in is because he isn't?

P.S. what caused the hydrogen to loose it's equilibrium?   Isn't that infinite mass?

P.P.S.  What if our universe is a hologram?

P.P.P.S.  Could God be the reason for the loss of equilibrium in the hydrogen?

P.P.P.P.S.  Could spirits live in the second dimension of our holographic universe?

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Wednesday, February 8, 2017


I wish I had a priest who gets me.  I wish the Rev'd Salt had won the election for Bishop.  I am so tired of the constant battering of the left from the pulpit.

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Betterment Basement

I was thinking about what I use the basement for.   I pray, meditate, read & study, and exercise in it.  I exercise my spirit,  mind,  and body.  It's my betterment room.

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I really like the line in the intercessory prayer on page 57 of the ACC's BCP that says "those whom we have forgotten".   I remember reading an article about a priest in Vancouver who walked the streets and slums of Vancouver, clerical collar on.  He would sometimes be asked to pray for an individuals.  He would make a note, put them on his prayer list, and pray for them every day for one week.  I like that model.  I try to pray for those whom I know of in need of prayer, although I'm not asked often to pray.  It's comforting to me that that line is in the prayer on page 57 because, I know God know they are in need and sometimes I forget.  I know the power of prayer and I want to remember, so it comforts me when I miss somebody.  As Canon Michael Farr reminded us, "God knows who you are".

March 2013

March 2013 was a bad time for me on Facebook.  I was constantly attacked for my views, for my comments and posts.  I was always arguing with the intolerant.  One attack in particular (on Christianity) will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Joe Muslim

Classical Liberalism vs Modern Liberals

The New Commandment

The New Commandment

Free the Expression/Religion

Free the speech! Part II

Effeweseaking Awesome

Free The Speech!

Higher Indoctrination Learning

More Strange Dreams

I had a few strange dreams last night.  I don't remember much of them.  One was of the .30-30 again.  I know it was a long dream (even though dreams are hard to gauge) and the only thing that I can remember was actioning it one handed, a la Terminator--which I would never do; I'd be too afraid of dropping it and effeweseacaying it up.  So, the second dream was about people with addictions.  Specifically, people were admitting addiction issues to me, booze, huffing.  I'm not too sure where it was all going.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Such Wisdom

With all that's going on politically and in the world and society, Psalm 37 poked at me; God spoke to me through the Psalms again.  It said to trust in God and not to worry about the evil being done.  Leave anger alone, because anger leads to evil things.  Now, to put it into practice....

The Hate on the Left and the Attack on Free Speech



Canada has culture, despite the PM telling the world that we are the first post national state.  Our heritage and traditions are real and every bit as valid as Greek, Chinese, Korean, First Nation, African, or Hispanic heritage.

Magic Places

Shigawake warf and the top of Port Daniel mountain are magical places for me.

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There are those who say that Brexit was all about push back from mass waves of Islamic immigration.   They are not integrating and oppose Western values.  One hears stories--not covered by the liberal mainstream media because it doesn't fit with their position--of sharia police in Germany, of vigilante groups fighting Islamic rioting in the streets of France, of no go zones for Christians in areas of London, of the massive numbers of rapes of Swedish girls by young Muslim men.  (If these stories are true, we shouldn't be covering them up because they don't fit with the liberal narrative).  Some believe that the mass immigration is a planned infiltration to bring down the West, either through sleepers or home radicalization of peaceful or second generation Muslims.  (Maybe the mosques should be actively working against this phenomenon.  I know Churches certainly work for the protection of Muslims).  It's a taboo subject that'll have you labeled a racist faster than you can say security if you even bring it up.

Yoda had it right.

Sometimes I think it would be better to move to a swamp planet and be a hermit,  away from the world.

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Monday, February 6, 2017

Super Bowl Ad

So, apparently there was a Super Bowl ad about equal pay for equal work.  I think I've blogged a few times about that; I'm sure you know how I feel.  So, it should come as no surprise that I was pissed off.  I would ask why they propagate this misinformation, but I already know the answer to that question too, votes.  It generates votes.  Creating a false social dilemma and providing a solution creates supporters.

As an aside, there was a time when men (who voted) controlled society and thought that women (who didn't vote) couldn't work because they were women, the weaker sex, child bearers.  They couldn't work because of their biology and specifically child rearing obligations/child berthing.  Along came the women's suffrage movement and the idea that a woman could do anything a man could do.  Then came the fight to get women equal wages.  All that was settled before I started college.  And, I'm fine with all of that.  Now, liberals are pushing this equal pay crap based on annual income by sex.  It doesn't take into account than more men are engineers and more women are nurses.  It doesn't take into account that men choose to work longer hours.  It doesn't consider that the hourly wages are the same.  And, it doesn't take into account maternity leave.  So, were the men of the 1800s right about women?  Can they do the same work as and do it as well?  Because, it looks like they're asking for more money to do the same work as a man based on their biology making it too difficult for them.

Anyway, I believe that this is a manufactured crisis by liberals and feminists to garner votes, money, and power.

P.S.  I believe that women (and all people) should be treated equal under the law.  I believe that a woman should make the same hourly wage as a man of the same occupation, education, time in position, and skill level.  I believe that women can do the job just as good, and that this is all a load of bullcrap.

Super Bowl Ad

Another Perspective

P.P.S.  It's more social engineering and socialism, giving money to people who didn't work for it and taking it from the producers.

P.P.P.S.  On socialism, conservatives believe that everybody should be equal at the starting line while liberals believe that everybody should be equal at the finish matter how little effort they put into it. 

P.P.P.P.S.  Equal doesn't mean equal plus or equal with extra or equal with special treatment.  All animals are equal.  Some animals are more equal than others.


We need more Saladins and fewer Osama Bin Ladens.


I had a strange dream not too long ago.  I was actioning the .30-30 and the extractors didn't grab.  I pulled the leaver so hard that the next round actually punched the primer on the (I guess unfired) round in the chamber (which shouldn't happen as .30-30 ammo is not pointed).  I somehow ejected the cartridge (not too sure where the second round went to) in the chamber and was so afraid of a hangfire explosion as I looked at the perfectly punched primer.  The dream ended--or changed--without incident.  Clearly, these events are highly unlikely if not impossible; it's funny how things that are not logical make seanse in a dream.


What a great great man.  This is what it is to be great.


I can't even have an affair in my dreams.  Nope, I couldn't do it.

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Everybody knows that we're steadily heading toward a total gun ban, from the fwo faced lying liberals to the fear mongering conservatives.   And, when it comes,  the liberals will know exactly where to look.  The firearms license is an instrumental first step in confiscation.   The firearms license that keeps me and others safe is the biggest threat to my civil liberties and will tell them where to go for my guns (saying that I had any) when that dark dark day comes.

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Not exactly PC, but a question to ponder none the less.

So, islamophobia, is a phobia.  But, is it an irrational fear?  Homophobia is an irrational fear; gays don't fly planes into buildings.  It's not like they can turn you gay either.  Fear is a defense mechanism.  It keeps us safe.  So, is islamophobia an irrational fear?

P.S.  Not all Muslims are bad.

I misrepresent that.

I hate when people misrepresent something, or pad their stats.  Specifically, I hate that liberals have told children to take food from the food pantry even if their parents have packed them lunches and fed them breakfast so that the needy children don't feel centered out, and then tell everybody that school breakfast programs have seen a two thirds increase in usage in the last ten years and want more funding.  Does anybody else see a problem with this unethical behavior?

Who knows?

Who can tell how often they offend? ♦
O cleanse me from my secret faults!

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It was so selfless of Walmart to give the city such a large donation to <del>remove parking </del>beautify the CBD for the down town businesses.  What a wonderful,  and lets not forget green, idea!

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This is going to sound crazy,  but I find the bread actually feels like flesh when I chew it.

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Where's Waldo?

Say what now?