Tuesday, June 29, 2021


We're so reliant on technology for everything.  The power went out tonight in an electrical storm.  We couldn't get our lottery tickets as the outage crashed the network.  We went to Wendy's for a burger, where the power outage had crashed their tills.  At risk of sounding like a geezer, them there kids can't do simple math in their heads.  So, they couldn't "take our money"; they couldn't figure out what we owed and how to make change.  We arrived home to the power still being off at home.  We can't cook.  Electric stove.  Back to Wendy's we go.  They can take our money now.  We buy chicken burgers.  We go home.  We eat.  In the dark.  No TV.  No WiFi.  I can't check e-mail, social media, sports, work, school, weather forecast, etc...  The toilet works!  Thanks John Crapper!  Hey, I have a crank short wave radio!  Wicked!

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