Tuesday, June 8, 2021

...countrymen, lend my your ears.

So, I was speaking with an Indian man today.  To his credit, he shows me great respect.  He likes me.  I like him.  I questioned him regarding one of his countrymen.  He said that they didn't know each other in India.  They were not from the same part of the country.  I said that it was the same with me; I am from this country, but not this part.  But that, I feel I have lost my accent, and that nobody can tell.  To which he replied that, it all sounds the same to him anyway and he wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

I thought, "wow!  I wouldn't be able to get away with a statement like that.  That'd be racist."  Tollerance, remember?  Tolerance is what we need.  I asked him how his friend was doing.  I had mistaken a woman with a head covering as his friend.  His eyes narrowed.  

I could almost hear him exclaim in his mind, "do we all look the same to you, you racist White pig?"  It was an honest mistake.

But, the thing is, we live in a society that rewards victims (and--all to often--scapegoats the descendants of former oppressors).  As such, there is tremendous gain to be had by attacking the majority for advantage.  If you don't think a majority can be discriminated against, explain the evil of the Apartheid to me please?

But, we--he and I--were civil with each other, which is all I ever hope for (and--much--more that you can even ask for today in this Postmodern Neo-Marxist world).

We don't have to play this tit for that game.  That is so shallow. Understanding, tolerance, peace, unity, that is what society needs.

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