Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Let's Jump To Conclusions Together!

It's everywhere now.  Even though I'm not on Facebook and don't watch the news, I have heard, which makes me qualified to comment on the subject.  We are making a lot of assumptions:

• The children were killed or died from abuse and,
• Abuse/malnutrition was uncommon in those times in any institution 
• The graves were recient 
• Unmarked graves were so because of hate or,
• Wooden crosses don't rot
• They were mass graves
• They were treated exceptionally hard by the standards of the day, orphanages were much better by comparison 
• The Catholic Church was a business, not a charity helping when others would not, that had unlimited pockets
• Other institutions didn't have graveyards, like the Stratford Jail for example
• The value placed on human life wasn't less then
• Erasing the culture of Native people was the goal, not the result, of those schools
• Non-Native  children wouldn't have been delinquent for truancy 
• Those involved couldn't have had good intentions and,
• Those involved did not believe "if only we could educate everyone, we could end poverty and bring about equal opportunity"
• The media isn't fanning the flames for profit 
• Nobody does what is politically expedient 
• Everybody involved was evil

Every time I post, I think it is the most controversial thing I have ever written.  This fits that hypothesis. 

P.S.  I wish I could find my Treatise on White Privilage or my rant on Feminism.  Alas, lost on Facebook cyberspace, the are gone.

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