Sunday, June 6, 2021

Will Smith

I did it because of the outbreak at work.  But, for all I know, I have already had it and was asymptomatic.  I'm such an idiot.  I put something in my body that I don't understand, something that we have no idea about or about its longterm side effects. 

I remember the "conspiracy theorists" warning everybody that it was DNA altering, the same "conspiracy theorists" that warned that COVID-19 was synthetic.  And, I remember the scientific community scoffing and saying tongue in cheek that it does not alter DNA and that it doesn't even enter the nucleus of the cell, relying on the ignorance of the paranoid to use equivocation.  Maybe the conspiracy theorists just asked the wrong question or made the wrong statement.  For people that believe that the end justifies the means, and the hiding of the synthetic nature of the virus, mask order flip flops, lockdowns, rushed vaccines, having bureaucrats and tech giants silence question askers, and questionable data collection on COVID-19 complications being the cause of death being circumstantial evidence for that conclusion, lying to us about what the vaccine does doesn't seem beyond their capabilities right now, especially for those in the scientific community for whom the vaccine is absolutely necessary to fight COVID-19.  Critical thinking is not allowed.

A messenger to what, what is the message?  RNA is a cellular building block.  It is an instruction to the body.  We are tricking our bodies into doing something.  Producing protein strands?  What are the long term risks associated with this message to our bodies?  We don't know.  We took a rushed vaccine because we were told we needed to, to fight a virus they created.  mRNA, but what is the m?  What is the message?  

Those who worked on the Manhattan Project thought that there was a small chance of destroying the Earth with the first detonation.  I fear Brian Cox was right with his answer to The Fermi Paradox. 

There is so little government oversight on so many projects, the particle colliders, the bioweapons labs, the design of artificial intelligence, and exrta dimensional quantum state computing, that it's amazing that we're still here at all, and the bureaucrats and our elected officials don't have the capacity to fully understand the things for which there is limited oversight. 

I feel like we are about to become the mutants from I Am Legend, after taking the vaccine. 

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