Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Fr. Benedict & Fr. Jude

Another monk has died from St. Gregory's Abbey.  Fr. Benedict, the first Abbot, had departed the monastery years ago; we never met him.  He resigned as Abbot and left to pursue other types of prayer/ministry.  He would have been a hundred on April Fool's Day, 2021.  He brought change to the Abbey, including the move away from a Latin Divine Office.

We knew Fr. Jude, and will miss him.  He called us foreigners when we visited.  It was cute.  I'm sure he was in his 90s when he passed away in 2019.  I remember how week his voice was when he  celebrated Mass.  He reminded me of a little old turtle, God rest his soul.  I recall with delight, now as I remember, his silent pointing toward the breakfast foods during The Greater Silence on my first visit.  In a way, he reminded me of my own paternal grandfather.  It's sad that he is gone.

Lord have mercy.  Jesus have mercy.  Christ have mercy.

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