Wednesday, June 9, 2021


The Sin of Pride

So, for many years,  I was happy that I prayed while happy and healthy, because I wanted to pray, not out of desperation.  I thought that it was good that I turned to God while not in need.  I didn't want to be one of those people who "ran to God" when things got tough and they turned to Him as a last resort.  I thought that was a good thing.  Aside from the fact that, that's the reason He is there, I see the pride in my belief.  I fell into the trap.  Ironic that now, as my faith waxes and wanes, I go for long dry spells without praying the Daily Office.  Sometimes God feels so far away.  Ironic too that, trouble may drive me back; God forbid it.  I'd much rather return on my own again.

St. Paul was right though.  Prayer is like exercise for your soul.  And, the less you feel like praying, the less you will pray; the less you pray, the less you will feel like praying.

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