Sunday, July 4, 2021

You can't lay the residential school graves at the feet of White people. Responsibility belongs to academia, educators, politicians, bureaucrats, the elite in society, the seminarians, the social scientists, and their ilk who believed that, if only we could educate everybody, education will eliminate poverty and undesirable social conditions, and brought about by an end justifies the means approach by those who know what's best for us. God save us from those who--with good intentions--force what's best for us upon us for our own good and welfare.

You can't lay the residential school graves at the feet of White people.  Responsibility belongs to academia, educators, politicians, bureaucrats, the elite in society, the seminarians, the social scientists, and their ilk who believed that, if only we could educate everybody, education will eliminate poverty and undesirable social conditions, and brought about by an end justifies the means approach by those who know what's best for us.  God save us from those who--with good intentions--force what's best for us upon us for our own good and welfare.

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