Thursday, July 29, 2021


The Churches still are not opened up yet.  Some have, and the authorities brought the hammer down.  

From the perspective of science, we refused to allow simple minded primitive superstitions to put people at risk.  We realized that people of faith would not be protected in large gatherings.

From a faith perspective, maybe we trusted God to guide us to safety...through the instructions of the authorities.  We recognized...maybe...that we did the right thing for our neighbors by not putting them at risk in large gatherings.  We closed our Churches.

Many see it as the abandonment of people of faith by the Church and by Church leaders.  I can see it.  It is unprecedented, I'm sure; many times, in times of plague and disease, the ordained and those in holy orders put their faith in God and ministered to the sick and the person...physically there.  The Church was open for those who needed spiritual support through their suffering.  Right or wrong, protected or not, they believed and helped.  Some died.

We closed the Churches.

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