Monday, April 20, 2020

Psalm 99

I read the 99th psalm earlier today.  The 8th verse jumped out at me.  The BAS translates it a little differently.  But, for me, it echoed the exchange between Jesus and Peter after the denial when they met on the beach.  Jesus asks Peter three times if Peter loves him.  Peter is in emotional anguish after the third questioning.  Many link the three questions to the three times Peter denied Christ.  This poses a sort of theological problem.  If Christ's sacrifice is a full and absolute payment for all our sins, then He couldn't have been punishing Peter.  Right?  After all, the Catholic doctrine of penance and purgatory is heresy.   No?  So, here it is in the Old Testament again.  God forgave the Israelits, but punished them anyway.  

I know, Jesus hadn't died at that point (Psalm 99).  But, He is eternal and unchanging.  Right?

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