Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Last night, I drempt that I was the captain of the Enterprise.  But, it was tiny and with what looked like an open bridge, like WWII Royal Navy destroyer.  Again, I was on the outside of the hull of a ship.  The ship was all steel, not some 23rd century alloy.  There was no crew, just officers.  Scotty, grey haired but not fat, was piloting the ship manually, like with a stick.  I was standing with him as he fired up the nacelles.  They rattled and shook, the whole ship vibrated.  As we moved forward into the sky, I whipped out my cell phone to take a video of the ship, moving forward, it's powerful engines defying gravity, slowly like a F-18 in a verticle climb at an air show.  Except that, the ship was level--not verticle--and climbing on about a 2% angle from what already felt like what must have been an elevated or sky dock.

Two dreams in a week where I have been on the outside of a ship hull.  What is the connection?  What is the meaning.  I'm channeling my inner Jung. 

P.S.  Funny thing, I was trying to read a Jungian biography yesterday from an online e-library.  It wouldn't load.  :( 

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