Monday, April 20, 2020

Last Night's Dream

Last night's dream was strange.  I dreamt that I was furious with my brother for breaking our parents' things, things that they had worked so hard for.  With no regard for hurt or inconvenience to others, he was belligerently wrecking stuff.  I proceeded to start beating him and chasing him to beat him.  I was so furious.  The whole scene is highly improbable given his nature.  My brother has lived a life of extreme violence, using his fists to negotiate his way.  It's unlikely that he would have ran, and perhaps not a given that I would be beating him.  He has a long and storied past of violence and aggression.  Sure, I get angry.  I have a temper.  But, the last time I struck him in anger was probably when I was 18, he being 15; and, that was just a slap.  I have to confess, I did strike him once when we were both children.  I must have been 7 or 8 years old.  Some may like to suppose that I made him violent.  Probably not, it's more likely—as I play armchair psychologist—that he became violent through learned behaviour coupled with not having any rules/boundaries & not learning to manage his own frustration both with others and with stressful circumstances.  So, what did my dream mean?  Is it relating to what happened at Christmas two years ago?  Or, is it COVID-19 related?


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