Sunday, April 26, 2020

Jung's turd Cathedral dream has nothing on my crazy dreams!

EGO had a duobus novis recens somno noctes. Primum in somno, eram Trump. Ego eram trying ut sexus cum uxore sua. Autem, ut a casu posita in DOLIUM.

In the second dream, I was on a star destroyer, on the outside surface.  Yet, somehow I could breath.  Luke Skywalker was with me.  I put on a pair of purple coveralls that I have in my basement from years and years ago, to blend in with the destroyer's maintenance crew.  I was afraid of what would happen to me when the ship jumped to hyperspace.  I got separated from Luke and was a little anxious.  Then I remembered his number and called him from my cell phone on his.  Then, the dream got strange as I was watching porn on a video monitor.

Here's the real strange part:  When I woke up in real life from my dream, my wife was staring at me laughing  (although she later denied ever laughing).

So, dream analysts, what do they mean?

P.S.  She's probably whispering in my ear like I used to do to my little brothers when I was an asshole kid.  I used to whisper that the smurfs were going to get him in an attempt to induce a smurfmare. 

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