Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Except this one...

Many people are having vivid dreams.  I, for the most part, am actually having less.  Except for a few nights ago, I had a strange dream.  I was on a road trip down home (to The Gaspe Coast).  I was in a car with my estrnged brother and the vice president of my company.  My brother was driving the car (which was on the right side of the car), and I was in the back seat.  The VP was in the front passenger side (left side), because he wanted to be in control.  Which didn't make a lot of sense because, the steering wheel was on the right. The VP was happy to be amoung French speakers, and I was happy to be home.  I was excited to be pointing out landmarks on the way East.  On the way, the VP made a strange remark that most people die within 100 miles of where they were born, an odd comment.  I don't know if it is actually true or not.  Anyway, I said that I wasn't worried because we were far away from The Gaspe, and I was actually born THERE.  Reassurance or threat, I'm not sure.  So Freudian & Jungians, what does it all mean?

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