Saturday, April 13, 2019


I usually don't get too personal on here, although I have.  So, I want to talk about the struggles of my area at work.  I was reciently given some overly negative criticism my our company VP.  He claimed that the single biggest problem in my area was the reaction time of my Team Leader and myself to problems.  What I took that to mean was, we should be looking for gaps in the production line and, immediately inserting ourselves into the line (and position of manual labourer), doing half of the Team Member's job.  After paying lip service to wanting to see the skills applied that I learned while I was in the consulting department, I've come to realize that what they truly value is two extra floaters.  Without struggling, the Team Members will not get the practice needed, the repetition needed to get faster.  They will develop the mindset that they don't have to run at Takt Time because I will do half their job if they do not keep up.  Ironically, I  am seen as soft and too lenient on the Team Members.

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