Sunday, April 21, 2019

New Job

I had a dream last night that I was offered a new job.  I was being recruited by a head hunter at a large company.  I got the feeling that they didn't like guns, and they didn't even like me carrying my little pocket knife.  I'm not sure what they did, but the job was mine for the asking.  It was all office space, with no manufacturing space that I saw.  They wanted to hire me as a supervisor, although they wouldn't really tell me what I would be doing.  A coworker had already moved to this company from my current job and was trying to talk me into it. They were a forward thinking company like Google, and he was going out for a helicopter ride to refocus.  The office was filled with enlightened child prodigies that looked too young to work, and I got the feeling that I would be supervising them.  I was shown an incident report where one of the children had gotten into trouble.  The place looked awsome.  It was scary, a big decision.  To give up my severance and job security was a big risk, especially for a job that I didn't know if I would be any good at.  The company may have had something to do with research and time; I went with my friend on his helicopter ride over a river which was oscillating back and forth, sometimes flowing backward, some times frozen. I got the feeling that I wanted to do it, but I felt bad for my old boss in the consulting department at my current job. There was no pressure and everybody there was happy.  What would Dr. Freud tell me?

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