Monday, June 22, 2015

To sleep, perhaps to wake.

     I had another strange dream.  But, I waited too long this time to write it down.   They say you forget 80% of it within minutes of waking.   Some people say you can wake up in your dream or take control.   Some have a dream totem or sign.  I've been told to stare at my hand to realize I'm dreaming.   Philosophers have speculated that this life is but a dream.  The ancient Greeks thought you slept to prepare yourself for death.   Maybe we all exist in the subconscious of The Red King.  The XO on Voyager' dream sign was Earth' moon.  What if you're suffering from dementia right now in an old age home?  How would you know that you're looking at a shadow on a cave wall cast by the fire behind you if you can't unchain yourself and turn around? 

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