Saturday, June 13, 2015

Strange Dream

I had another really strange dream.  I had quite the sleep.  I slept from 6:30PM until I got up to pick Cindy up from work at 11:30PM, went back to bed and slept until 7:30AM.  In the second leg, I had this vivid dream:  A copy of the Koran was found on an archeological dig.  The book dated from 3AD (I know, I know) and was cursed, bringing about possession and seemingly random supernatural manifestations (including a mobile evil head).  The book was brought to me by  a really freaked out archeologist (don't know why) who was at his wit's end.  His young son was showing signs of demonic oppression.  Events had brought on the Apocalypse.  I learned that I was on a council of 21 who were charged with the task of dealing with the situation.  Also, I could shoot fireballs (from my hands and from a colt 45 long barrel) and we were (the 21) sort of immortal.  I know this both because I shot one of the council members, and I was also shot.  We both  came back to life--I think at sun set.  The wound was gone when I came to.  We were studying the book and looking for answers.  Every day at sun rise, the study stopped  as the book disappeared (I found it under my pillow one morning after the study) and most of the supernatural events stopped.  I wasn't involved to heavily in the study itself, I was only present.  The study involved an encryption and I couldn't begin to understand the strange characters nor the mathematical formula.  One of the council members was an attractive blond middle aged queen of some foreign country who lived in a large palace, who welcomed me on sight like a long lost brother.  I have no idea how or why I arrived at the palace.  She was single and had a daughter (not sure if the daughter was on the council or not, but I think so) and was hosting a social event when I arrived/crashed the party.  (I felt very out of place at this event but for her very friendly welcome).  This is where I met the evil head, which they had locked in a room in the palace.  I went into the room and tried to destroy the head with fireballs, with limited success.  It was thrown out of the window by me or jumped out the window, and escaped.  Two people of note who were on the council were two men named Simon Peter and I think Mathias (I believe), who I believed to be the original apostles.  They were sent to me when I originally came into contact with the book to help me as I was in over my head.  I had the feeling that Mathias was actually there to kill me or steal the book until Peter showed up and his outlook changed.  I have no idea where this dream would have gone if I hadn't been woke up by Cindy asking me if I would let Lucy out because she was whining.  There's probably more that I've forgotten, but the longer I'm awake, the more I'll forget.  When I was a kid, I used to have many vivid dreams about the Apocalypse.  Very vivid and frightening.

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