Monday, June 8, 2015


I have rewatched JI Packer's (my Facebook account was suspended years ago after I posted JI Packer's videos and a friend flagged them as offensive) videos and it does seem that the schism is totally about SSM.  While I disagree with David Short about it not being a matter of conciseness, I want to move past SSM and see how the liberal left is changing the interpretations of, and views on the authority of, scripture.  Is this, as one Church friend told me, a much wider issue about the authority of scripture; or, is it all about gay sex?  I have so many questions and I asked none on Sunday.  I could care less, at this point, about SSM (although I am very much against punitive measures against the faithful who think it is a sin--nor am I in favor of persecuting LGBTs and restricting their rights); however, I am quite concerned about pluralism and the attack on the authority of scripture, and exegesis and liberal interpretations of traditional views on God, salvation, and the Bible.  I believe that Jesus is the way.  I believe in creationism and evolution and am not big on the term Intelligent Design.  I believe that Noah was real and Adam and Eve and that all scripture is the truth and divinely inspired.  I don't know if I can fit anywhere.  What's really important?  The Gospel is really important.  What is the Gospel?  Can it be boiled down to one line?  A creed?  Maybe?  Is the law important?  I've already come to the conclusion that it is not.  If the law is not important, why does it divide us so?  But, if we start to change the scriptures, either the words themselves or the meaning of the words, are we not corrupting the faith and the Gospel?  My search for answers seems to turn up more and more questions.  If only I could quiet my mind and listen to the still small voice.  If only I could make it simple. 

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