Monday, June 1, 2015

More Cable Packages

Churches, like political parties, are much like cable packages.  I've spoken here about cable packages.  Anyway, if I just wanted a conservative Church I would just go to Jubilee or Highlands.  I really enjoy/identify with/feel comfortable with the Anglican liturgy.  If I were to join a conservative Church, I'd feel more at home, but I wouldn't like all the channels--specifically their view on SSMs.  I really don't fit anywhere?  "Why go to church at all," you ask?  I stand by what I said before about being selfish if you horde the coins and bury them in the ground.  But, can I minister where I am?  And, what are my gifts from the Spirit.  Certainly I can't go on like I did last Sunday.  Next Sunday, I plan to visit St. Barnabas and feel it out; but, it's so far away that it's not really practical.  Thanks be to God for the gift of friendship of Barb in her winter years and for putting her in my path Sunday afternoon.

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