Sunday, June 21, 2015

Funny Ha Ha

Sometimes The LORD can be funny—not funny ha ha—when He speaks to us. I went to St. Paul's today after a hiatus. Our liberal Licensed Lay Reader/Synod Delegate was there and, rather than a sermon, this was the day we were updated about this past synod. So, it was full on Greenpeace (search blog for Greenpeace). Uber hard to remain cordial, calm, focused. So, I read a couple of Psalms from the BCP while I waited for it to be over. Then, after, I went for coffee and fellowship and forgot to drive Cindy to work—a very angry Cindy. To start it all off, I couldn't find an offering, so I borrowed some from somebody's sock drawer—since replaced. It's getting harder and harder (Jonah eventually had no choice but to go to Nineveh). I shouldn't have gone to Church.

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