Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I'm thinking of trying fasting this Friday.  I'm hoping to get the spiritial benifit I hear so much about, and some health benefits too.  I've been having strange cramps lately and should probably have it seen about, prayers would be appreciated.  I don't know if it could be an infection or a hernia or maybe just gas.  I could stand to loose about 50 lbs. too.  I hate being 40.  It's doesn't help the noon day demon either, being 40.  When I graduated from Fleming I weighed about 240.  It would be nice to get back to that weight, currently an unhealthy 295.  I carry it well...ish.  I don't think most people would guess I'm anywhere near that heavy.  The funny thing is that in high school I was a scrawny kid, too small to play on the rugby team--had to be a buck fiffty.  I was about 220 when I started the Police Ed. program at Fleming.  I actually gained about 20 lbs. with all the running.  Ah, wasted potential and shattered dreams.   Ces't la vie.

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