Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Porn is ubique. Expositus esset admodum adulescens eam. Quod inveniri potuit in Playboy fuisse huius fossas et nisus sursum, domum ad arborem donis patruelibus orbi. Cum potuisset invenit secretum stash novem. I ablegarat collectione mea collegium per reverentiam. Multa memini pondera pede ostendit mihi secretum meum stash patriae invenisset in Attica. Puto esse satis communis. Plerumque nudus mulieres in the Sears catalog were an early oculus catcher. Quidam enim valde difficile porn addiction agere potest. Web sites sunt libri sui auxilium, et therapists sustentationem coetibus ad eam ordinantur. Iustus quaeritur David Duchovny vendentis imago ADJECTIO. Detectio altissimam illam incidat, sive non novimus. Et, suus 'ubique. I read catholicus sacerdos recommendations super semel ADJECTIO. Ego cum nomen eius obliti requiramus. Cogitationes occupavit animum tuum, cum auctor, ora pro muliere (porn star) agitur. Expiabitque eam. Recte, non est moralis? Nunquam respondit quaestioni satisfaciat. Sin autem noluerit mulier uti est - et ut illic 'etiam disputant - tum morum. Quam illud in aere. Inde nefas est? Quod est in corde tuo? Potest comeditis quod immundum est? Tu sub Lege? Maxima fortasse dividit a Deo? Si vestri idolo, quod sic. Suus elephanto mansiones multae sunt, et superficiem impingebat nuper ex eventu. Suus 'impeditiores etiam scribere; scriberet scriptorem pertinere videtur. Nam quaestionibus fidei, et non judices diligere Deum. EGO coniecto ut respondeam potest cum optimum. Si responderit iuvat quaestiones Tuis. Si non, non sollicitudines.


  1. It's an obsession in our society.

  2. Why did I write it in Latin? Well, let me start by saying that I was inspired by several things to write this piece. I wrote it in Latin for a few reasons: it's an embarrassing subject and personal; it is to be hoped that it keeps spammers away. Also, the reader will have to work a little to get the goods. I gave much thought to not writing it, and more to deleting it. I settled on leaving it...for now. "What I have written I have written."

  3. I noticed that one of my followers, who commented on a post, has a Christian blog that has been hacked. I followed the link to Christian-with-a-view from my blog, and it was a porn site, bang you later dot com.

    I remember somebody telling me that along I75 every time a porn shop pops up, some guy/organization puts up a giant cross beside it. There seems to be a historic connection between sex and religion, now porn and Christianity. Most think it's wrong, most Christians that is, and for different reasons. I remember reading an article once in a Playboy where an Episcopal Priest was interviewed and said that it was perfectly alright, and comforts the lonely to boot. Again, can you eat meat sacrificed to idols? Can you? Are you under the law or aren't you?

    1. I'm still trying to answer the question regarding being under the law. And, the best answer I've ever been able to come up with is: What is in your heart?


Please don't censor me; I am trying to be honest and it is not my intention to offend anybody. If I have offended you personally, I ask you to accept my apologizes, forgive me, and consider not visiting my blog for my benefit.