Tuesday, June 9, 2015


I spent a few hours this afternoon gardening.  They say gardening is therapeutic, but I find it a lot of hard work.  I was weeding in my greenhouse, and I wondered if God was speaking to me.  Sometimes, I can see the weeds coming up, and I pull them out by the root.  Sometimes though, it's not clear if it is a weed; maybe it's something that self seeded from last year.  Should I let it grow?  Weeding is very destructive, and sometimes I accidentally kill the plants I want.  I have to pull the weeds out though, or they will kill the plants I want.  Some of the plants I planted haven't come up at all.  And, some weeds have grown where I planted plants I want--right in the peat pots (I don't get it).  Yes, yes, I see all the parallels.  So, what is God telling me....

P.S.  I did ask to hear the still small voice....

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