Monday, January 29, 2024

Video Games Lead to Violence?

I remember back in the 90s (80s?), there was concern that watching violent movies (and video games, TV) lead to violent behaviour.  Sure, it desensitizes us, for sure.  I imagine that there is part of us that envisions that we are the hero exacting violent retribution.  (I don't think it encourages violence so much as it is a manifestation of our thoughts of violence, expressed in creative *art*).  I think we are just violent, violent animals.  I think it was Dr. Jordan B. Peterson who said that it not facing the malevolence in others that shatters our world as much as realizing that we have it inside us, when we witness what we are capable of doing to others when we are pushed beyond the breaking point.  Nobody likes coming face to face with their Jungian Shadow, and it is not pleasant.  ...unless you're a psychopath. 

Actually, I remember speaking with an OPP polygraph operator who tole me once that every single human is capable of murder; it's just a matter of how far they have to be pushed.

May God protect us, each one of us, from bring pushed that far.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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