Monday, January 29, 2024

To Porn, or not to Porn

I remember reading an article about porn being a good thing, according to a priest being interviewed by Playboy--yeah, I know--magazine.  The argument being that it comforted the lonely.  It was a gift to those who couldn't enjoy God's gift of sex in marriage.  Yeah, it's a little out there.  And, I'm aware of the bias, given the publisher.  Exploitation of young women aside, most people have seen--Christians, anyway--porn as a corruption by the Devil of what God intended sex to be for.  I think that as animals--I know, I've been saying that a lot in the last few days--we act a lot on instinct, and follow our desires, limited only by the Hedonistic Calculus.  And, maybe because of that--and original sin--I feel that, it's none of my business what somebody else does with sex, so long as they hurt no other person.  Maybe I should unpack that last sentence a little; if it is a heavy burden for my brother/sister, I do not judge them or set stumbling blocks before them.  So, as far as the exploitation of the women, that's somewhat of a conundrum.  Is it a thing?  Undeniably so, some would say.  Well, if it's hurting others, Thomas Jefferson would not qualify that as rightful liberty.  Is it the modern day version of the concubine? 

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