Monday, January 8, 2024


 Last week, I drempt that I was demoted at work.  Last night, I drempt that a friend and I got lost returning to work from lunch.  If I could talk to Dr. Jung, I imagine he might say that my subconscious was telling me that I was insecure at work.  Which I am, I feel I add very little value now.  Today, which would have no impact on last night's dream, was very frustrating, a feeling of spinning my wheels.  The *experts* say that you shouldn't stay in any job for more than ten (ten?) years, or you stagnate, at least the experts on Linkedin.  

So what do I want?  Like most people, I--of course--want to make a difference.  I want what I do to matter.  I want to add value, of course.  I'd like to help people.  I'd like to have a legacy.

What's realistic and achievable?  Well, when the noonday demon attacks, I want to say, "Not much."  Within the framework of my career--such as it is--I would say, leading a training team is realistic, and perhaps achievable.  But, to truly lead it, I would have to be able to implement a vision, which is beyond the scope of my current role, for specific reasons.  

Or, maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree and I should be pursuing a career in human resources.  That may not be an option where I work.  But then, I may have already plateaued in my current environment.  At 48 years old, everybody above me is younger than me.

But, today was a bad day.  Tomorrow holds promise.  I will try to stay positive as my friend, mentor, and coach at work would tell me I must be.

How does the Desiderata say it? Take an interest in your career no matter how plain it is?

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