Sunday, January 14, 2024

My Confession

In the Gospel according to St. Mark, Jesus says to the woman who touches Him that her faith has made her well.  I confess that I usually don't tell people when I pray for them.  Out of fear, I do not.  FATHER forgive me.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.  My fear: I know how utterly weak my faith is.  I'm afraid of failing them, and destroying their own faith.  I don't need to set up stumbling blocks.  So, I pray--often--in secret.  I do not have that woman's faith.  God forgive me. In reality, it is not me who does anything.  It is the Lord who heals.  But, my faith is so weak.

Today, I would also like to pray for myself, specifically about the NDD.  So, I say, LORD, protect, comfort, and guide me in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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