Saturday, January 20, 2024

Shitty Shitty Bang Bang

Last night, I drempt that I went to the States with my rifles and ammo, probably for a tournament.  I neglected to fill out the proper paperwork to get into the US, but I was okay.  While there, I bought a muzzle loader with no sights.  It had a cheap unfinished wooden exterior and stock.  The metal barrel was .22, which I think is impossible.  Upon trying to return, I remembered that I couldn't come home with my ammo.  I had to sell it in the States; you're not allowed to bring ammo into Canada, even your own!  It's a stupid fucking rule.  I was pissed when I remembered this.  I had a few boxes of .303 British and a whole case of .223 Remington, which I don't even think you can buy anymore.  I was trying to sell it to some American for dirt cheap.  Ah...

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