Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Sunday night, after talking to a priest about demons, and just scratching the surface at that, I was subject to a tremendous amount of stress, relationship crisis, danger, and the potential for violence and destruction.  Am I embellishing, probably.  What Fr. Gabriel said was that relationship breakdowns are a sure sign of the demonic.  And, I was in clear danger.  Was I attacked by the spiritual realm?  It certainly feels so.  I emerged safe but for the grace of God.  I treated the next day as a gift, to enjoy.  Thanks be to God for keeping me safe.

Monday, January 29, 2024

The Saboteur

Denzel Washington told Will Smith that when you're at your highest, that's when the Devil comes for you.  I've also heard it said that, when your faith is strengthening, that's when you'll experience demonic attack.  

I certainly prayed hard last night.  God heard me.  But, that's a story for another day.

To Porn, or not to Porn

I remember reading an article about porn being a good thing, according to a priest being interviewed by Playboy--yeah, I know--magazine.  The argument being that it comforted the lonely.  It was a gift to those who couldn't enjoy God's gift of sex in marriage.  Yeah, it's a little out there.  And, I'm aware of the bias, given the publisher.  Exploitation of young women aside, most people have seen--Christians, anyway--porn as a corruption by the Devil of what God intended sex to be for.  I think that as animals--I know, I've been saying that a lot in the last few days--we act a lot on instinct, and follow our desires, limited only by the Hedonistic Calculus.  And, maybe because of that--and original sin--I feel that, it's none of my business what somebody else does with sex, so long as they hurt no other person.  Maybe I should unpack that last sentence a little; if it is a heavy burden for my brother/sister, I do not judge them or set stumbling blocks before them.  So, as far as the exploitation of the women, that's somewhat of a conundrum.  Is it a thing?  Undeniably so, some would say.  Well, if it's hurting others, Thomas Jefferson would not qualify that as rightful liberty.  Is it the modern day version of the concubine? 

Video Games Lead to Violence?

I remember back in the 90s (80s?), there was concern that watching violent movies (and video games, TV) lead to violent behaviour.  Sure, it desensitizes us, for sure.  I imagine that there is part of us that envisions that we are the hero exacting violent retribution.  (I don't think it encourages violence so much as it is a manifestation of our thoughts of violence, expressed in creative *art*).  I think we are just violent, violent animals.  I think it was Dr. Jordan B. Peterson who said that it not facing the malevolence in others that shatters our world as much as realizing that we have it inside us, when we witness what we are capable of doing to others when we are pushed beyond the breaking point.  Nobody likes coming face to face with their Jungian Shadow, and it is not pleasant.  ...unless you're a psychopath. 

Actually, I remember speaking with an OPP polygraph operator who tole me once that every single human is capable of murder; it's just a matter of how far they have to be pushed.

May God protect us, each one of us, from bring pushed that far.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Word Fear

We run from words.  We ran from retarded.  Can't say that, so we said handicap.  Then, it was special needs, disabled, differently abled...

George Carlin may have explained it best.

Acta Non Verba

Constant Halmark apologizes so not excuse the behavior. 


 In Rambo III, there's a line where he says that we're just animals.  And, I tend to agree; our meat computers tells us what to do, and it is near impossible to go against it, but for the Grace of God.


Wrath, a sin

I used to say that Moses was a hero of mine, as speech in front of a crowd is something that we both fear.  But now, and at times in the past, I can relate to his wrath.  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+2%3A12%2C+32%3A19&version=NIV

Friday, January 26, 2024

God does not hate women

 I was watching a clip of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson on YouTube the other day, and he was arguing with a Feminist Atheist.  He made a great point, in response to her answer to his question to show him a passage that was anti-woman.  She said that God said that the woman would have to obey the man.  To which, Jordan responded that it was not a divine injunction, but a warning.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Oral Tradition

I realized this week, the importance of actually *reading* the text.  I don’t know how the ancient peoples kept an oral tradition of story telling. 


So, I realized that I lost a word; I’ve been praying a very simple Morning Office in the mornings as I drive to work.  I have, at some point, lost the word Almighty from the Apostle’s Creed.  I didn’t realize it.  When I was at Church last week, I had my oops moment.  So, despite the criticisms of some—about praying from a form prayer or prayer book—it is actually important for people like myself to have the prayer book to keep my Office on track.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

We don't deserve Him

The parable of the vineyard and the tenants in the Gospel according to St. Mark had a strange concept emerge for me.  How could God expect His Son to not be attacked?  The purpose of Jesus' incarnation was to ransom us from our sins.  The idea that the landlord would send his own son, expecting that he would be treated better than the servants is perplexing to me.  Maybe it might more accurately be expressed as the landlord yearned for them to treat him back.

Wait, I've heard these words before!

Numbers Ch 3 has a few phrases that ring a bell.  The Levitates are chosen by God to redeem the firstborn of the Israelite.  Redemption is a very familiar concept to Christians.  The term firstborn, used in Exodus, was those selected to be punished by the Angle of Death. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Food Riots on the Horizion?

Dad used to say that, when the great depression happened, Grandpa just came home to the family farm.  And, he said that, many people did the same thing.  But that, we were more of an agrarian society then, and that this was an option then (not now).  He said that things will not go so well in the next depression.

I before E except after C

I've said it before, but typos drive me crazy.  I spent an hour going through my 2024 posts, proof reading.  I'm so bad at this.  It strikes me as impressive that, the people of the just post Victorian era, those stern old teachers who taught my parents in school and myself in public school, were meticulous about their attention to detail and correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, cursive writing, and typing.  How did they do it.  Were they simply more careful?  Ah, well, I've decided to stop my retconning at January 1st.  It's a new year.  I'll start with that.

Jedi Powers

 Mark 11:22-24 is another disappointing passage about faith.  Disappointing because, if I had a stronger faith, I could have God work through me to help people.  But, my faith is weak.

But, as Jesus Himself said that, the tower didn't fall on those people because of their sin.

In Leviticus Ch 26, it says that the punishment for disobedience is to be handed over to your enemy. I wonder how often this passage was used to explain historical events such as the holocaust in the 20th century or the destruction of the temple in 70 AD.

Is Sudduction Rape then?

Sam Shamoun says that the word rape in Deuteronomy Ch 22 is actually seduction, and references Exodus Ch 22 as proof, saying that Moses was just repeating old laws.

Shitty Shitty Bang Bang

Last night, I drempt that I went to the States with my rifles and ammo, probably for a tournament.  I neglected to fill out the proper paperwork to get into the US, but I was okay.  While there, I bought a muzzle loader with no sights.  It had a cheap unfinished wooden exterior and stock.  The metal barrel was .22, which I think is impossible.  Upon trying to return, I remembered that I couldn't come home with my ammo.  I had to sell it in the States; you're not allowed to bring ammo into Canada, even your own!  It's a stupid fucking rule.  I was pissed when I remembered this.  I had a few boxes of .303 British and a whole case of .223 Remington, which I don't even think you can buy anymore.  I was trying to sell it to some American for dirt cheap.  Ah...

An Eye For An Eye, Cow For A Cow

Leviticus 24:18 wasn't clear to me in many English translations.  I wasn't sure what it was asking.  When I read it in the NIV and in the Good News translation, I got it.  So, it doesn't mean that you die if you kill an animal, although older translations say you must make good, life for a life.  It means that you must replace the animal.  In the modern world, I don't know how you could; some animals are family members to many.

You'll pay for it, damn you, and you'll like it!

The prospect of not having sex again for the rest of my life is not a good one.  I wonder if that's why the Old Testament figures often had concubines.  In Japanese culture, they don't consider sex outside the marriage to be adultry (so I'm told) unless you don't pay for it.

Friday, January 19, 2024


 I saw an add that said, "All pussy is better than no pussy." It was in reference to the concept that bad pizza is better than no pizza, or something is better than having nothing. It was for a hook up site to date old women. 🤔

See, they're right. Inflation is a good thing.

 I was thinking, the liberals are being wrongly slandered.  They're trying to bring about the return of the Lord.  That's right.  They are trying to fulfill Bible prophecy by having 3 quarts of barley cost a day's wages.  See, they're doing good.

The Ropers had it backwards

 They say sex is more important to a man.  Men and women look at sex differently.  Statistically, men need it more than women.    It's biological.  It is a generalization, to which there are exceptions, but it is statistically accurate.  Women, the old saying goes, use sex to get love while men use love to get sex.  I don't believe that.  But, it *is* higher on a man's priority list, while a women seems to be able to do without it.

Mark 9:49

 We all have to be salted by fire.  When I hear this, I think that we use (used, past tense) salt to purify or preserve meat, prior to refrigeration.  It was used to keep the meat from being lost. So, we have to be saved by fire, eh?  Is it the fire of the Holy Spirit, or Hell fire I wonder.

Fairness of Equality vs. Wokism of Equity

 Equality is treating everybody the same under the law, treating everybody fairly, treating each person the way that we want to be treated, striving for equality of opportunity.  Equity is being racist, being a misandrist, being a bigot, striving for equality of outcome, because people have been racist, have been misogynistic, have been bigots.  As I've said before, it justifies discrimination, segregation, hate.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Mar Mari Tattoo

 It's so funny (not ha ha funny) that I just read about tattoos in Leviticus Ch 19 after having watched Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel on YouTube.  Ah, the Law. 

Jesus' Summary of the Law

 Leviticus Ch 19 has the second great commandment in it; I always thought this was from the prophet Isaiah.  Love your neighbour as yourself.


Last night, I had a dream that I escaped from prison.  Me and about half the inmate population scaled the fence and went over the barbed wire.  They couldn’t shoot us all (USA).  Then, I think I went on vacation; and, upon returning from it, I was almost discovered by border officers when crossing.  It was intense. 


Mar Mari

 Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel addresses tattoos, saying they're wrong.  More importantly, he talks about asking for forgiveness.  And, he distinguishes between asking for forgiveness for a sin that you committed by accident--that is you didn't know it was a sin--and a sin that you deliberately committed while knowing it was a sin.  He says to be honest with God.  Ask for forgiveness, even for that sin.


 Judas makes an appearance in the Old Testament, in the 41st psalm.


 The blood is the life?  According to Leviticus Ch 16 it is.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Fear Not

Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel, whom I have been watching on YouTune as of late, says that it is we who destroy souls.  Referencing the Gospel according to St. Matthew, Ch 10, he says that it is we who can cast ourselves into Hell, by choosing sin.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Psalm 77 NRSVA - Psalm 77 God’s Mighty Deeds Recalled - Bible Gateway

When I read this, I see me.  I meditate in bed at night.  I see Jesus as God's strong right arm.  His arrows, the angles, flash all around him


Leviticus 15 NRSVA - Concerning Bodily Discharges - The LORD - Bible Gateway

So, basically a man is unclean daily until evening.  ...according to statistics. 🤔


Mark Ch 7

 It's evil to be foolish?  Hum, interesting, what hope do we have then?  I mean, we're all foolish and do foolish things.  I never thought about it being foolish.  Here is yet another reason that we need Christ.

Psalm 39

 Must I muzzle my tongue when in the presence of my enemies?  It seems so.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

My Confession

In the Gospel according to St. Mark, Jesus says to the woman who touches Him that her faith has made her well.  I confess that I usually don't tell people when I pray for them.  Out of fear, I do not.  FATHER forgive me.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.  My fear: I know how utterly weak my faith is.  I'm afraid of failing them, and destroying their own faith.  I don't need to set up stumbling blocks.  So, I pray--often--in secret.  I do not have that woman's faith.  God forgive me. In reality, it is not me who does anything.  It is the Lord who heals.  But, my faith is so weak.

Today, I would also like to pray for myself, specifically about the NDD.  So, I say, LORD, protect, comfort, and guide me in Jesus' name.  Amen.


I woke up after 6AM this morning to the back door swinging, a snow drift in the hallway.  It was 57 degrees downstairs.  The gas bill will be enormous.  It was pretty irresponsible of whoever didn't latch the door.  I'm disappointed that I didn't wake up with the sound of the door blowing open, and that the dog didn't bark.  The furnace probably ran for four hours or more.

Another night, another two dreams

Last night, I drempt that I was making video work instructions for (vampires) people with extreme light sensitivity. 🤷‍♂️

Second, I had a dream that I was trying to set up a target on the range that wouldn't be knocked over when my Senior Manager from Indiana shot at it with a .22 rifle.  He moved forward from his original starting position, and I jokingly mocked him for doing so.

Saturday, January 13, 2024


Work dreams seem all too common, as I drempt that I was about to change positions.  After I interviewed for an IT Supervisor position, I was awarded the job.  I then was told that the position rotated shifts between days and afternoons.  I decided that I was going to decline the position if I could.  IT good, rotating bad, then I woke up.  Not telling me the job rotated was probably strategic, as I felt they wanted me gone.

First Storm of '24

These two pictures were taken seconds apart.  It fascinates me how bright reflected ambient light from the snow makes it in the back yard.

Friday, January 12, 2024

2 for 1

Last night, I had two nightmares.  Over a week ago, I watched this video on how the god of Islam is the beast of Revelation.  So, last night, I was dreaming that I was singing Bohemian Rhapsody, and sung *Bismallah no he will not let you go* or whatever the lyrics are, when I heard a deep ethereal voice say, "That's your first warning."  I woke up and rolled over, going back to sleep.

Second one, we were in Dad's old apartment waiting out the dawn.  The Devil was threatening my brother.  I fell asleep, waking to see a wall poster defaced with the graphite, "You brother was dead."  I screamed and screamed in my dream, until my wife woke me in bed in real life.

Thursday, January 11, 2024


It seems to me—a self professed novice and layman—that the Eucharist is more than symbolic.  So, as far as I can tell (I could be wrong), the Gospel according to St. John is the only one of the four Biblical Gospels to not include the last supper.  The other three Gospel accounts have Jesus saying that the bread and wine *are* his body and blood.  He didn’t say like, or symbolic of.  That’s an interpretation of intent.  What the Gospel according to St. John *does* say, is that we have to eat his flesh and drink his blood to live.  It was such a hard teaching, the scripture tells us, that many turned away from the Lord.

Is Christianity Supposed to be counter cultural?

Galatians Ch 1 verse 10 seems to indicate that the Church should not try to assimilate to the culture of society.  🤷


 I saw a great quote the other day that I wanted to share.  It went something like this:  Socialism is when other people want to have everything that you have, except your job.

We all want what's best for our children. We want the best for them. It's hard to see patterns repeat.



They're certainly trying to include us.

Dad always used to say that if you (as an organization such as a Church or charity) want to retain an individual, give then a job to do.  Give them responsibility. 

The Harvey Made Me Do It

I had multiple dreams last night.  My wife and I tried swinging.  I didn't like it.  I think I drempt this after watching a YouTube video of Paul Harvey's 1965 prediction of the fall of America.

I drempt that my brother and I ran into Dad.  My brother said that I should talk to him.  There was a lot of guilt based weeping on my part.  I was so happy to tell him that Chandra had been accepted into a masters program.

The third dream, I have already forgotten because I didn't write it down fast enough.  Ah well, that is normal.  Many people think that they don't dream.  Many of us forget our dreams.

Recently, I had another dream about my old job.  I was cutting angle iron on a saw to different lengths.  Not a stressful job, there was a certain peace to it.  I dream often of that place.  Oh, I did hate it at the time.  And, it wasn't without its flaws.  As a lean manufacturing plant though, there was a lot of low hanging fruit.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Well, I'm afraid your going to have to go to Hell.

Reading the parable of the sower in the Gospel according to St. Mark, I'm reminded of how the Jehovah's Witnesses gave up on me all those years ago.  After studying with them for a year, they read this passage to me, and never came back.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Lord, what happens if we chose to do what we know is wrong?

Leviticus Ch 4 mentions several times what we need to do for a sin offering if we find ourselves unintentionally in a state of sin.  What about intentional sin?

Really? Okay, that is something to think about.

I was watching a YouTube video today of an Orthodox Bishop (patriarch?), and he said something that caught my attention.  He said that the churches named in the book of Revelation were not churches at all, but seven stages of *the* Church before Christ returns.  🤔

Cool Meme

I saw a cool meme online just now on YouTube.  It said that man can create a million laws, but that things won't get any better until we start to follow the ten that God gave us.

God's God

I was chanting the 45th psalm today, and ran across this gem.  So, why the confusion about the divinity of Christ?

Thank You For The Gift!

Last night, I had an amazing dream. I was arguing with an Athiest on her bed (no sex). I remember saying that, no matter how logical the arguement an anti-thiest makes, that I could not abandon (not the right word here) God. I wept as I said this. This was--to me--a testamony of my faith, a reasurance of what I believe. It showed the love I have for God, and my devotion. And so, I think that last night's dream was His gift to me. I had two other dreams last night. The second dream was just about me trying to have a threesome. The third dream, I don't remember much of it. I was playing with a new rifle.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Psalm 39

Wow, what a psalm.  When I started chanting it tonight, I thought I'd just be writing about how I have to keep my mouth shut, muzzled, especially what I post online.  But, it gets so dark, so quick.  Death, mortality, enemies, plotting, secret haters, it's all there.

The Bull from Leviticus Ch 4 Was Not Killed Because of Anything the Bull Did Wrong

 Jesus was not crucified because of anything He did wrong.

Jack Sprat Would Eat No Fat

 Was it because he was following Leviticus Ch 3?  I had no idea.


 Last week, I drempt that I was demoted at work.  Last night, I drempt that a friend and I got lost returning to work from lunch.  If I could talk to Dr. Jung, I imagine he might say that my subconscious was telling me that I was insecure at work.  Which I am, I feel I add very little value now.  Today, which would have no impact on last night's dream, was very frustrating, a feeling of spinning my wheels.  The *experts* say that you shouldn't stay in any job for more than ten (ten?) years, or you stagnate, at least the experts on Linkedin.  

So what do I want?  Like most people, I--of course--want to make a difference.  I want what I do to matter.  I want to add value, of course.  I'd like to help people.  I'd like to have a legacy.

What's realistic and achievable?  Well, when the noonday demon attacks, I want to say, "Not much."  Within the framework of my career--such as it is--I would say, leading a training team is realistic, and perhaps achievable.  But, to truly lead it, I would have to be able to implement a vision, which is beyond the scope of my current role, for specific reasons.  

Or, maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree and I should be pursuing a career in human resources.  That may not be an option where I work.  But then, I may have already plateaued in my current environment.  At 48 years old, everybody above me is younger than me.

But, today was a bad day.  Tomorrow holds promise.  I will try to stay positive as my friend, mentor, and coach at work would tell me I must be.

How does the Desiderata say it? Take an interest in your career no matter how plain it is?

Important Gifts

 When I was a kid, my maternal grandmother always bought me clothes for Christmas.  I hated it.  In hindsight, it was a pretty thoughtful gift.  A form of shelter, it was given by a person who was a product of the great depression.  I thoughtful gift, a necessity, it was given to protect. 

Hippo Crit Much?

 Yup, I've actually had this happen a coupe of times.  It's such a double standard too.
