Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Quiet Cheating

I want to talk about this thing called Emotional Cheating.  It has been talked about several times by Dr. Phill.  

I'll start by saying that it is definitely not cheating, not at all.  If it was, it would just be called cheating; you wouldn't need the modifier in front.  

We do that a lot now, double speak.  Verbal assault is not a thing.  I didn't friggen hit you.  But, I digress. 

Similarly, Quiet Quitting is not quitting your job.  It is just halfassing your job.  If it were quitting, union workers have been quitting their jobs for over a hundred years.

Some say that watching porn can be Emotional Cheating. Again, see my above point.  Because, if EC is a thing, the bar is set way too low.

Women watching soap operas or reading romantic novels to fulfill their intimacy needs (or to substitute them) in place of a real relationship would be tres guilty of EC as well.  Jordan Peterson says that men and women look for different things.

Jesus set the bar very high, very.  But, I don't think it was in condemnation of what we fantasize about.  Rather, I think it was to subdue the snooty judgmental people condemning adulterers as subhuman sinners, unworthy of even breathing. 

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