Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Have Courage Sisters

 If I'd had a son--and I'm perfectly happy with the intelligent beautiful daughter that I wanted--and he said that women were less, or weak, or couldn't be police officers or firemen or whatever, I would correct him.  I'd be like, "Whoa, whoa, there buddy.  That's not only sexist, it's not correct or accurate.  And, you're generalizing about an entire demographic group based on stereotypes or outliers."  If he said that all women were bitches or sluts or something, I would correct him, on the spot.

My question:  Why do women not?  I realize the irony as I generalize here.  But, as I have observed, Feminism is alive and well.  When I have been confronted by it, and the men are scum attitude, women--good women--don't stand up.  Why?

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