Saturday, February 4, 2023

Lights out Manufacturing, Chat GPT, CGI art, AI literature, movies, and music, and so much more.

Assuming that we're not already in a simulation (Claude Shannon's code), the human race is on the cusp--the razor's edge--of a cataclysmic evolutionary stage.  This evolution will take us deep into bondage, pointlessness, despair, and lack of purpose or into oblivion.

And, that's assuming that the magnetic poles don't flip, there isn't a ELE event including an asteroid impact or super volcano eruption, or the rise of The Beast.  Has there been a time of more anxiety to be alive?  I mean, I had nightmares about nuclear attack in the 80s as a child that almost incapacitated me.  So, there's that still too.

I guess every generation has believed that they lived in the end times.  Then, there's the D-Wave quantum computer at CERN, extreme particle physics thials there causing events (microscopic singularities?) and conspiracy theory about The Mandel Effect.  I think Brian Cox was correct about the Fermi Paradox.

It's all enough to make you legitimately mad.  Take some solace in Luke 12:25.

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